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Posts posted by mrinmoykar999

  1. I just had an issue just 5 days ago , buyer asked me to many things , not included tin the order , when i said these are not included in the order should I add extras , he said I thought you are a cool guy, and you are committed to work , if you start saying this kinda thing you can cancel the order , later for his too much dreaming I and using slang language I said I will cancel the order. He said finish the work we are close that's how he talks, there is nothing more than that . I did the job in the last time of the delivery he asked me to do another thing, but I did it . I thought I should give him 1star the way he behaved I felt terrible . I gave him 1star , but wow  he gave me 5 star , but after seeing it he gave 5 star I wasn't able to change it . I didn't saw it first . And he changed the review to 1 star because said all the truth, and he was offended . I apologize to the seller , he said go to the customer support remove the review until its removed don't come back and send me a msg . I sent to the customer support that I made an unfair review . Customer support didn't reply yet . and I am not getting order from 10 days . Though I had 4 orders, i got 5 star . The Fiverr system is weird, hard to understand . If I didn't even see what buyer gave me , If I gave him 5 star , for that seller change his review . But I can't change , I can't see it first . Like a trap . Once you are done with review, you are done . No apologies will work I guess . Even Thanos can't change that . lot of member said it is a communication problem , you need to work on it . I have all the 5 star and every one said at communication. Sometimes It's hard to predict , I should give him 5 star and move on, for that I am feeling regret and really want to change it lets see what customer service can do 🙂  .

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  2. Yeah, I know sometimes it better to move on , but why there is an option for buyer, so they can change reviews , even if it's fake , how  they can do that . and Fiverr allows that , he said I should be removed from Fiverr etc , then why he offered me for more ,jobs , so the review is total false/fake , just to take revenge . Fiverr should not allow this type of thing . Why supports buyers always . Even if they have bad intentions . They do the thing . Seller will disappear . This is not fair . I have rights to put my honest reviews . He felt offended, that doesn't change the truth that he behaved terrible . The truth is truth . I never said I won't work , i said it will count as a revision , even I said I will do it if its bothers you , so putting some fake comment is fair ? That's how it works ? The whole thing defines how the person was . And I faced all the terrible thing . And he got my work, and what i get for all of this ? a fake comment ? That I should be removed from Fiverr just because I didn't like that what he has done, and I gave a review ? this guy will pollute the whole Fiverr will give nightmare to all sellers , what he will get a nice review , but will take anything what he wants . Forcefully . Is That fair ? Such a shame 

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  3. Hi I am Mrinmoy , recently I have worked with a buyer , He provided all the details and I started to work on it , after showing the first draft he liked it but told me to change the whole thing , I did it ,  after that he liked my 2nd draft . After few stages, he started to ask for few things that were not mentioned in the order , So I said it would be counted as a revision . So he got angry and started to shout at me , if I don't want to work cancel the order . I said I will do the job if my revision count bothers you don't worry I will do that for you , he has asked more things that were not included in the order . I did the job , he said to change the clothing he said to put a jacket on that fine I was working on it , at first he provided reference of normal female clothing , it was not a jacket , but later he said whatever you call it care sh** , he was started to behave inappropriately , I raised an issue to the customer support they said continue the work . I did . Later the buyer asked me to put fonts . I said I don't own the fonts that I have, they are not for commercial use . He said he will allow the work to be view on live portfolio only if I do that , deal , so I downloaded a royalty free font and did the job , he gave me 5-star review , and I gave him my honest review what I have been through . I gave him 1 star because he behaved terrible . He offered me more works in the chat , that he wants to work with me on a bigger project . If he didn't like my work, why would he offer more works ? I blocked him . Later he contacted to customer support , and he intentionally changed the review to 1 star and commented things that were not truth . So if a buyer can do anything in this platform, how can a seller survive ? And become a successful seller won't be possible ever . I raised this issue to customer support . I really don't know what will happen , I gave my honest review he gave it too , he said he was amazed by my work etc . And suddenly he changes it few days later don't buy from him , this seller should be removed from this website your project will suffer . This is not fair . I am feeling really sad . Fiverr is the only way where I earn money . I wish someone could help in this matter .


    2023-06-15 14_29_48-mrinmoykar999 _ Illustration, AI Artists, Cartoons & Comics _ Fiverr.png

    2023-06-15 14_58_00-buyer behaveing inapropriately,unprofessionally, asking for unlimited revisions .png

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