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Posts posted by bumblepixco

  1. New sellers on Fiverr are new sellers on Fiverr. They are new, as far as this site is concerned, and they need to prove their worth, prove their skills, and build a seller reputation. It doesn’t matter how long you have been doing something before Fiverr, if you can’t prove it here on Fiverr, you’re not going to get hired. It is up to YOU to prove your worth, and convince people to hire you. Just because you are a new seller, does not mean you get freebies. Long-time sellers were once new sellers as well, but we worked hard to build our own success. You will have to do the same. No freebies. Hard work required.

    I am selling my $100 services for about $20 on fiverr.

    It doesn’t sound like you value your skills. Figure out who your target customers are, and set your prices to match your worth. This is Business 101.

    How can I prove myself when no one is getting my gigs in their search?

    And it’s not like I don’t value my skills, i just need to make aggressive pricing here where many sellers sale the same service. And to prove my quality of service, fiverr fails to even give me a chance. I literally got only 3 clients (Repeating) which I got from Buyers request, and luckily now I don’t get a single buyers request. My impressions:click ratio is is decent but impression no. Are below 100.

    If I say my overall opinion on Fiverr, they don’t support quality of service but experience on the site. Which is kinda ok but still not the best thing.

    Anyway I want to be a level 2 seller here and see if I boost my sells then and if that doesn’t work I may have to leave fiverr.

    • Like 75
  2. that will suppress the exposure to new sellers

    New sellers need to learn how to build their own exposure, instead of expecting Fiverr to do it for them. If new sellers were allowed to participate in the ads program, they would quickly swamp the system, and make it useless for it’s intended purpose. Fiverr clearly wants successful, experienced sellers to be the only sellers who are allowed to purchase promotion within their categories.

    It’s also worth noting that new sellers don’t have the funds in their Fiverr accounts to purchase promotion. Level 2 and TRS sellers already have earned funds within their accounts to purchase the optional promoted visibility.

    Already we r not getting enough.

    New sellers already have a short-term bump in the search algorithm. It is their responsibility to build upon that, and keep the momentum going. There is no such thing as new sellers, “not getting enough”. New sellers do not deserve everything that they want, just because they want it. New sellers need to earn their success, just like the veteran sellers have done.

    I know, but new seller doesn’t mean that they are new Freelancers. I myself am a freelancer from last 2 years (Not on fiverr). I know the process, rules, client handling etc. Still no improvements. I am selling my $100 services for about $20 on fiverr.

    • Like 72
  3. Hope they soon launches it for new sellers too.

    It doesn’t look this this will be available for new sellers. You need to earn the right to be considered for the program, and you do this by being promoted to a Level 2 or TRS seller.

    Well, that will suppress the exposure to new sellers… Already we r not getting enough.

    • Like 73
  4. If the gmail account is truly yours, you should be able to get back the access. Doesn’t matter if they changed the password and/or the recovery details.

    Well when you don’t have any recovery tool left for Gmail, You cant get your Gmail back. That’s their policy on google.

    I have lost one of my Gmail, it was not hacked I just forgot the password. Couldn’t recover it as I didn’t have any recover info that (Just used that mail for my Spotify Id).

    @wajahat28 You should Try to contact Fiverr as soon as possible (With other Id if you can’t access the current one).

    Also if you have proper recovery on the mail, he/she(Hacker) could not change that without the OTP. So you can still get back your mail.

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