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Posts posted by spiritual_lama

  1. 1 hour ago, uk1000 said:

    I'm not an expert. I haven't tried DALL-E or DALL-E2. Though DALL-E2 looks impressive from videos about it. Though I think they all can be inaccurate. eg. on faces/hands.

    I think DALL-E2 costs to use currently and it may not be open to everyone (I think you need to be invited). I think they'll integrate more things like that over time into software (like photo editing software), so some things may become easier. If the software comes with that functionality and it's cheap enough and easy enough for many people to use it may cut down on some people asking some sellers to use it. But there are also questions about rights. Would the buyer have all necessary rights to use it commercially? What if someone else put in the same text and got the same results and used it?

    Here's a few images from a free Stable Diffusion demo. It seems a lot lower quality than DALL-E2 (maybe especially for faces, though it gets hands wrong too) but it's free to access and use.

    The images are only 512x512 pixels whereas DALL-E2 uses 1024x1024 pixel ones (though that still may be a bit low).


    Also this Stable Diffusion one (and I assume others too) wouldn't be good if you needed text as the text you ask it to add goes wrong. eg. in the images above where it looks a bit like "Fiverr" it was actually supposed to say "Fiverr" and not the additional/changed text and the logo in the 3rd image was supposed to say "My Logo" not "ML". So it wouldn't be good for Fiverr gigs where it actually needed to show certain text (unless the seller added it manually themselves in their image editing software). Also revisions would also probably be difficult, eg. in this AI you couldn't take an image it created and then ask it to change it in a particular way.

    So I think they will get better though in future. There is a gig that uses something like DALL-E for music videos which looks good quality. Maybe there will be more stuff like that in future.

    Wow stable diffusion looks pretty good for being free. Such softwares are really difficult to make. Future is indeed exciting!

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  2. 24 minutes ago, kirhood_jr said:

    It could happen for many reason. But most important reason is this, The buyer account which was using for buying the gig is mostly highly secured, they use that account only for buying stuff with credit card included. they dont want share anything in that account.

    as i faced this in one gig.

    Exactly! This could be a big reason too.

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  3. This has happened to me twice. What i have realised is, most people open fiverr on both, their phones and laptops/computers.


    Some of them have two different profiles open on different devices. This could be because of multiple reasons but they are the same person.


    As long as the buyer does not user different accounts to haggle you or cheat you, its completely alright. Although, you can ask for a clarification from them too, that’s how i came to know about this phenomenon.

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  4. Want to know your opinion fiverr peeps.


    Is it better to have just one gig where you are an absolute expert or is it better to have multiple gigs, some of which you might not be an expert in?


    Drop in your opinions. I personally have just one gig on my profile and it is doing fairly well.


    Looking forward to your responses!

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  5. I am writing this post to share the news that I just became a level two seller!


    For me, this is a big deal because I thought this would be impossible for me.


    This is the purpose of writing this post. Trust me, it is not impossible! All it takes is persistence.

    I have just one gig on my profile and I still managed to reach level two seller. 




    If anyone has any doubts or questions, feel free to ping me up!

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  6. 12 hours ago, nicol_makula said:

    I also researched other Gigs and got the inspiration for my FAQ because they already had these questions coming up. Don't copy them blindly, though!

    That is a very good point. Keep them authentic. Research your FAQs well instead of copy pasting. Thank you for pointing that out.

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  7. I would like to request all the sellers who are reading this to please add FAQs in your gig.


    What I do is once I create a gig, I ask few of my friends to look it up and tell me what questions they would have if they were the buyers.


    I then add those questions and answer them in the FAQ section. This will definitely help you improve your gig rating, impressions and clicks.




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