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Posts posted by usachenenko

  1. 4 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    The thing is, a bad private review is going to hurt quite a bit. And the issue is that unfortunately Fiverr doesn't show what buyer satisfaction rate you have, so all you can do is wait. I am dealing with a similar thing, I was removed from search randomly and my success manager from Fiverr said it had to do with first time buyers. If the 1 star you got was from a new Fiverr customer, that deals the most damage to your account. Then you have bad reviews from new clients for you, but not new on Fiverr. But in general, if it's the first time you work with a client, a bad review will damage your account quite a lot. 

    Yeah. I was thinking the same thing.
    But I don't understand why it can't be fixed.
    It's one thing when I have few good reviews and one bad one. But if there are over 200 good reviews and one bad review affects the rating that much, I think it's wrong.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, filipdevaere said:

    Your repeat buyers can save you. Do you have many repeat buyers?

    Three people come for small orders once a week. And two people come for large orders every two months. The others order rarely.
    But so far it doesn't help.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, filipdevaere said:

    No. don't do this. You have already 283 reviews. Why start again?

    And don't forget that you can make only 1 account.


    I understand. But why do I need an account that doesn't work and generate income?

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  4. 4 minutes ago, filipdevaere said:

    Even if you had 1000 5-star reviews, this 1-star review will hurt you.

    Thank you! But alas, I can't influence it.
    The only way out would be to delete the account and start all over again.

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  5. 11 minutes ago, filipdevaere said:

    This is the reason: a 1-star review.


    No one is immune to aggressive customers. Although this man is my countryman who moved to another country. And got the job he ordered. But alas, he decided to just ruin my reputation and put such a rating.

    I, too, first thought that I have no orders from the review but in fact there are 250 other positive reviews from other customers. And many know that I have high-quality service, but still no orders. Only sometimes come my regular customers for new orders.

    How to act in such situations I do not know. But in my opinion one unfair review should not affect the total lack of orders.

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  6. I also provide quality services and have many good reviews.
    However, Fiverr algorithms or managers simply do not pay attention to this. In my opinion they are interested in some other qualities unknown to others.
    Just recently I noticed that some of the Gigs simply disappear from search. In support I was advised to buy a course on the page learn.fiverr and that supposedly should help. But alas, the miracle did not happen. 
    Promoting, adjusting and improving my Gigs also does not give positive results.
    If you have a good portfolio and provide quality services the best option - is just to wait when something will change in the settings of the site, and then you will pay attention. Or try to offer other services that are more in demand.

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  7. Yes. And what determines your keyword recognition? The algorithm. That’s how it works.

    I repeat again. For some keywords my concert is not on the list.

    Or it’s shown very far, where there are no such keywords nearby.

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