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Posts posted by mahmuda_akter

  1. On 2/5/2023 at 8:55 PM, proadvert9 said:

    Just do a few searches on Fiverr and identify your TOP 3 main competitors (the sellers who are getting the most sales on your niche). Then all you have to do is to create better offers than them (better quality, cheapper prices, faster delivery). Just make your future buyers will say "Uau!" and your sales will increase (they will order multiple times per year, they will recommend you to their friends, they will wrote about you on internet).

    Getting sales is all about competition.

    Of course the basic features of your gigs should be reasonable done: choose the relevant tags, sort these by priority and use these in title, description and tags section. Use eye catching HQ pictures and video and explain very clear in description and FAQ section what you are offering (and not).


    Thanks for your Valuable Word 🙂

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  2. Your sample image, the one you are using to advertise your services to potential customers, contains at least three spelling and grammar errors. Why would someone trust you with their social media posts? It shows a lack of attention to detail.

    I can Design only. “spelling and grammar” is not my responsibility. If Clint wants this content what can I do? You need to compare my design, not the word.

    Thanks for your Comment. english_voice

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  3. Oh sorry, I didn’t get much sleep today, so my brain doesn’t want to work

    I wanted to say that clicks mean that buyer opens exactly your gig because he simply likes it.

    Maybe you don’t have everything that needs to be done to start getting clicks? I would recommend you check the link I attached in order to learn how to present good product


    Fiverr Help and Education Center

    One marketplace, millions of professional services. Browse. Buy. Done.

    Thanks for your link.

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  4. If you want to work in an international market you really need to improve your English. This looks like Google translate and not proper writing. Google makes things kinda understandable but not proper English.

    This is important because the way you write represents the way you work.

    • If write I you me cup telephone make logo work real yellow

    Are you 100% sure what I am after or if I m really very good at what I do? No on both.

    Are you one person or many? Your image is one person then you talk about yourself as we like you are many people. Creepy. Be honest and be one person. If you are a business of many people then make this clear.


    Thanks for your suggestion.

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