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Everything posted by shaha858

  1. Excellent for sharing the adventure.
  2. Low Budget and Strict Deadlines are like slow poison they kill creativity😑
  3. depends on a few factors like TOS violation, gig image, keywords, gig contents, gig category, etc
  4. you should check Fiverr TOS, use an extension like auto fresher, get brief, order time count, buyer info scraping, this kind of extensions huge load on the Fiverr website , your auto fresher extension API has some issue,
  5. You should check fiverr terms and conditions. One fiverr account is enough for one people. Even one fiverr account manage by (4-5 ) people teams ( personal experience). Every thing depends on skills Technical Explains Each computer has different mac address.if you are using same WiFi is not issue but IP address should be different. Please check you WiFi network should not NAT mood . Fiverr bot easily can detect DNS leaks ,webRTC leaks , browser fingerprint Note : I am not encouraging multiple accounts just explaining technical matters
  6. Aviod Zoom, s***e, Telegram Links Genuine Personal Experience I got scammed out of $150 by Zoom Video Order. A client ordered my gig and what needed to be fixed, shared my zoom and s***e, and later canceled the order. changed the domain, got a violation warning from the Fiverr team, and my gig rank was lost.😢 It is always preferable to keep your conversation on the Fiverr platform.
  7. thanks for reply , without extensions and dark reader experience is not same if website include dark mode
  8. Hi , I want to know one thing , in this community users #miss #dark mode theme like other social sites or developer forums should fiverr updated #dark mode option forum section what you think about it if dark mode option available already ,please inform me THANK YOU
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