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Posts posted by allstarr

  1. What we keep finding, for various software creators is that they list their software for a low price, less than $100. Then, after talking, and when we go to place it, they constantly claim "that was just a custom price." The real price is several hundred, or thousand dollars.

    The same thing happens, whenever we post a gig. We've had several times people say they can design a basic software of $50, as an example, for their bid. Then, they post stating +$500.

    We can't be the only ones having this problem.

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  2. I, and others, have come across too many gigs, where a seller lists a basic, standard, and premium cost.

    HOWEVER, when you contact them, one of two things tend to happen.

    1) "I only list that price as a 'call to action.' If I listed my actual price, no one would contact me."

    2) "The prices are not accurate, and depends on the order request."

    The first is clearly a bait and switch, and such things need to be pulled, immediately.

    The second is almost as bad. If someone says they can do a, b, but not c, and when an inquiry is made, they can't even do a, because it require more work, then what's the point of listing? Fiverr needs to have an option for people to have customized orders right from the start. Too many sellers then walk away fom fiverr, unable to place orders, and buyers have their time wasted, because they're given the impression they can place an order for a set amount, based on what the seller states they can do, only to find out that many sellers want to flip to a custom order, charging more than the original packages listed, which disillusions buyers.

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