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Posts posted by freddysaint

  1. On 12/22/2023 at 10:40 AM, ageuroconsultin said:

    I want to join this discussion to say that I too, actually, in the very last few days, am no longer receiving messages. I am a professional business planner, a level 2 seller, with over 950 reviews on my main cycle. Exploring the business planning category, I notice that my gig is positioned very high, but in the last week, I have received perhaps only 3-4 messages from new potential clients. I believe the cause of this may also be due to the fact that we are in the Christmas period, so many potential clients may not be active or operational. I hope I am mistaken and that my gig has not had a decrease in its performance

    Its my fifth year on fiverr. Usualy on december there is heavy trafic but this year something is different. I am ranked very well and you can find me easily. There is way less traffic to my subcategory.Most likely its to do with fiverr ads and campaigns they currently run.For example - if ads are being runned in US i get heavy ammount of messages and orders.If they are promoting servise in Germany i get way less messages since there are way less rappers in germany. Lately i have notice traffics from Thailand.Will see how it goes.Fiverr definitely has ton of date so they know when is the best time to run ads and campaigns.January usualy is very busy month so lets hope for best.

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  2. This is my fifth year on fiverr.It has been great. Every year i make slight adjustments to my gigs and pricing. This year i completed 140 orders which is less than last year but my income has increased. So i am happy with results. Working less and earning more. Only December has been super slow compered to previous years but usualy there is heavy traffic in January so lets hope for that 🙂 
    Good luck with your fiverr journey 🙂

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  3. On 6/17/2023 at 5:25 PM, venonusa said:

    Everything depends on how many orders you receive during the month and how many of these will leave a review.

    I see that you have 454 reviews from Jan 2019 , more/less you have received around 8.4 reviews every month... So in your case receiving 2  1* reviews in 60 days would lead your review rate to a disaster.

    In my case I received 83.10 reviews every month, so 2 reviews every 60 days should not be a problem.

    Sometimes I wonder, don't you think this seller is speaking about his account? Based on his performance, on his orders, etcc...

    If I say that this new Fiverr option could be an opportunity for me, it is because I see it based on my seller account and not based on data from other sellers.

    Based on my experience ( oncourse i am not 100 % sure how algorithm works but one 1 star review can make your profile disappear from search results for long long time 😄 In my case doing more than 15 music videos a month is just not possible 😄

    • Like 16
  4. On 6/15/2023 at 6:55 PM, venonusa said:

    but why should the customer cancel the order if you did everything right? and why some sellers are thinking about it… This is not clear to me… 

    Its very simple ( a lot of servises on fiverr are artistic you translation service - the seller responded fast, delivered on time and communicated clearly (there is literally nothing what can go wrong )

    Now imagine client wants a music video.He has seen your gig ( which features some dope shots from high end cameras,with perfect lighting,exposure etc.Sends u a iphone 6 footage filmed in dark and thinks that all can be achieved with edit.Dosnt Mather how good you are at communicating it will never look as he imagined since the client might be "delusional" 
    Result - Cancelation 
    Seller already lost two or more days trying to work/communicate trough this and now due to this new feature even get 1 star 😄 it just dosnt make sense.

    • Like 17
  5. I might start to use words like : Client was very  "specific" meaning please dont work with this person ( in this case atleast i can leave the client 5 stars ( so he/she dosnt leave bad private review) and the next person seeing word "specific" will know its a red flag and might think twice before working with them.
    Since the current system with me being able to leave 1 star to the buyer and afterwards he can leave a private review is just funny

    • Like 18
  6. Imagine just taking pis.s out of this feature. Basically  ordering some funny voiceover, downloading, pressing cancel saying it wasnt what you  expected and even then leaving 1 star review 😄
    As a seller being above 90% cancel rate means you can have 1out of 10 orders canceled for whatever reason but now that option is gone .So even if client is rude, abusive etc you dont have any safety whatsoever 😄 good luck to everyone

    • Like 19
  7. There is certain services where delivery can be measured and certain standards but lot of freelance services are unique and lot of clients "tricky"
    Imagine ordering service "voice over actor" 
    the communication is great, delivery on time but his voice dosnt fit the video. Client asks for revision. The tone changes but the voice is still the same. Client asks for his money back "unsatisfactory delivery" followed by negative review.
    I understand that there are so many sellers who are incredibly talented and professional but 1/10 clients will be tricky, especially in certain service categories.
    So as one of you guys mentioned before the cancelation was the only safety net the sellers had 

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  8. On 5/7/2023 at 3:59 AM, proconsultn2035 said:

    Really strange. Not seeing it on my end though.

    Basically its only comes up when i search "music video edit " or "music video editing" 
    If i search video edit it just show From ..... and then the price of basic packages like it should be.
    I see a lot of sellers in that category already changed there basic pack to one min but   jeah not every seller wants to do 1 min "video editing service"
    I contacted customer support and they made sent it over to UI or UX team ( not sure who does what exactly 😄 so hopefully it will be changed soon.
    also reached out to couple of friends and likewise (for some "1 minute" part is visible for some not) 


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  9. It realy depends what service u are offering and if in that time Fiverr is running ads. Once they start with certain campaigns on facebook, youtube etc the sales increases. Also sales in general might plumed because its not Covid time anymore. One way to increase them is create ads with your service and run them on facebook,insta,tiktok etc and provide you fiverr link for safe booking process.
    Based on the service you provide however might be that the problem is chatgbt 😄 Since thats the top thing now i bet that there are ton of startups using ai to write scripts, descriptions etc in seconds

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  10. Its a new thing. Saw it today for the first time

    On 5/4/2023 at 7:25 AM, uk1000 said:


    I just wanted to point out that the "1 minute" part only appears if i view it on desktop not on mobile.
    Let me know if u had a look using your phone or computer

    • Like 7
  11. HI. Today i noticed something new on the platform while searching for video editors. Under everyone's profile now you can see how much the charge for 1 min.In reality the price listed is based on their basic packages. Every seller is offering something else under "basic package" so the prices are not accurate and will turn down many buyers from certain gigs. Under one of the pro sellers it said 400 (1 min) but in reality her basic packages "400 usd" is for 4 min edit, with clean cuts and color correction.
    I guess most of the buyers will look at this and think smith like this:
    My videos is 3 min long, she charges 400 a min so 1200 usd in total ( way out of my budget) 
    Do you think this new update is here to stay? and video editors need to change package description?
    basic package 1 min
    standard 2 min
    premium 3 ? 
    I added a screenshot which will help to understand what i am talking about :)


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  12. When it comes to revisions i only offer ( two rev for minor adjustments ) and always explain the clients whats covered by them and how much it would cost if they want me to do other things which are not part of original order but even then u 1/10 people will be abusing revision feature(just part of the game) expecialy in the service i provide. The public revie ( how many stars he gives u is just there for a public and dosnt affect your performance as much as the hidden reviews(usualy clients forget to fill them in.I would say 10% of all my clients fill them in.But they can leave that review even 3 month after your delivery.So imagine yourself in situation that a seller who you bought a service from leave you a 1 star review saying how terrible it was to work with you 😄 of course once they receive the notification on their gmail "tell us about your experience working with seller X they will say its terrible 😄 

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  13. Hi community's have been on fiverr for a while and some clients, doesn't Mather how nice u are, will be pain in the a.. I would like to give them a honest review ( 2stars ) but then i remember a hidden review part. Client is able to leave a hidden review even months after delivery.Hidden reviews are very important ( perhaps way more than a public one).Even if i provide the best quality service do endless free revisions which where not part of original order and i am 100 % sure that i will never work with them anymore in my life ( i am still afraid to leave a bad review) 

    What is your experience with that ? have you left a bad review to someone who gives you 5 stars ? how you left a bad review to someone in general? how did that impact your stats ?

    Would be nice if all of us could leave a hidden reviews for buyers (which only sellers could see) honestly explaining how it was to work with them 🙂 

    • Like 15
  14. i try to follow ads which fiverr is running. Every year my orders drop to almost 0 on October and November and pick up on December and are consisted until October. I think it might be to do with marketing campaigns. When my service category is advertised in USA i have way more clients than when its done in Scandinavia. I am always  ranked very well and can be found by entering different keywords in my category. For last three years i see similar pattern of order drops

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