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Posts posted by mandyvo

  1. Urgh... I am not a fan of this. Whilst I do see the reasoning behind it (especially during long weekends), I predict that it will be abused. Yes, most buyers I've dealt with are wonderful... but there are a good number that love to abuse the system and exploit the unbalanced power of sellers compared with buyers.

    It's also not fair to delay payment for work we've diligently done on time just because clients aren't equally prioritizing the order at their end. I agree with others that it needs to be mutually agreed by both sides... and maybe even added as a buyable extra. Its then a win all round. Fiverr earns more, we earn more and genuine clients get bonus time they can purchase. (The non-genuine ones or tire-kickers, in my experience, soon change their priorities when it may cost them more money!)

    Personally, from over 500 orders, I've only had someone use the revision button twice to delay a closure because they needed more review time... and both times they didn't actually need any revisions after all. (That was after I had been left sitting in limbo for a good week at least!) 

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  2. It varies for me... depending on the day, the project, the mood I'm in... most often, though, it is one can on and the other ear free.

    If I'm doing long narration (like an audiobook) and I want to hear that my voice tone is staying consistent, or my neighbourhood is being slightly more noisy than normal (garbage day, a lawn-mowing or sunny low-flying kind of day) I'll tend to wear them to check for any low-frequency ambient noise interruptions that my mic is picking up, so I can pause until the noise passes. (My studio is heavily treated but I live near a small airport and those little cessnas love to fly low over the town and have a frequency that still just penetrates my 4-layer walls! Those and the harley-riding neighbour down the street!! I can't hear them, but my mic can.)

    If, however, I'm doing something that needs a more natural, conversational read, the cans come completely off.

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