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Posts posted by patrickedits

  1. I’m just curious to see if there are real clients for newcomers on Fiverr or will I constantly be spammed by all the scams?

    Yes, there are real clients here. However, it took me 45 days to get my first order. That was 2.5 years ago. I did not get much spam then.

    I’m working on creating more gigs to put out there and I will just keep my eye out and report the spam/scam as early as I see them coming.

    I’m positive I’ll be able to find clients and it’s just a matter of time. They can’t knock me off my high house just yet! =]

    Thanks for replying and have a great day!

    • Like 17
  2. I’ve been on for almost a month now and nothing as of yet. Lots of folks here seem to be making a go of it, though, so I’ll keep at it for the time being - hoping that something will come up, sooner rather than later!

    I hope you and I will get an offer soon!

    I’m trying my hardest to stay upbeat.

    • Like 16
  3. Report the message as spam within 24 hours to avoid the low response rate, this is what under your control, otherwise continue your work don’t care.

    Thanks for the feedback! I for sure reported both of them. One of them is still active on the platform so I guess some of them still slip along the cracks. =/

    Thanks for the feedback!

    • Like 16
  4. It is not a waste of your time if you can avoid scammers. I had my doubts when I started 4 months ago, and I also had to deal with someone, the first person who contacted me here, who didn’t want to tell me what the job was about because he needed my phone number to explain everything in detail in a call. I told him that it was against TOS and never heard of him again. Then, when I got my first order I was really doubting if it was for real, because the buyer canceled the order saying that there was a problem with her colleagues. Then, she came back to me a week later saying that everything was solved and placed again an order. I thought the whole process was weird and was really doubting if I was wasting my time here. I thought for a moment that she was going to steal my job and never get paid for that, but the truth is that everything went fine and she even placed an order a second (third) time.

    My point is that it can be kind of scary at the beginning, but if you learn to “filter” your buyers, chances are that you will find really good and honest people that are willing to pay for your services.

    Thank you for sharing and having some positive light on this topic. I look forward to my first legit client. I am constantly refreshing my screen patiently waiting! =)

    I will learn to take the good along with the bad on this platform. I truly appreciate your feedback. Nice to hear from someone 4 months into this!

    Have a great day!

    • Like 18
  5. Yes, I’m fairly new here as well, and so far all the messages I’ve received have been of the spammy/scammy variety. Unavoidable I suppose, but still kind of annoying and disappointing.

    I wonder what (if anything) Fiverr has in place for vetting new Buyer accounts and weeding out the jerks? Seems to me that most of the scrutiny is focused on making sure new Sellers are legit, while just about anyone (legit or not) can sign up as a new Buyer with relative ease.

    I dunno, just sayin’.

    Yes, it’s pretty sad seeing this abuse on this platform.

    I too hope there is a resolution in the works to keep the spam/scam to a minimum.

    Have you received any legit clients on here yet or am I just wasting my time?

    Thanks for replying!

    • Like 15
    • Congrats! 1
  6. Thanks for sharing your experience!!

    They should solve this matters for both buyers and sellers which would improve the experience.


    I totally agree! I hope in the future they find a way to combat this serious issue with this platform.

    For someone new, it’s very discouraging.

    Have a great day!

    • Like 18
    • Congrats! 1
  7. Patrick, unfortunately that’s VERY common here. I get at least a few messages a week with people proposing that sort of thing. They ask you to take it to “hype with an s” because Fiverr has no authority there and they (the buy-your-account idiots) can spam and swindle to their heart’s content.

    Just report them, ignore them, and move on. Do not take any conversation to email, “hype with an s” or any other contact method off of Fiverr, because it’s against the TOS and it could get you deactivated, even though it’s a scammer trying to get you to go there.

    You’ll start to recognize their opening schtick before too long so you don’t waste time on them. They pretty much all cut and paste the same thing.

    I appreciate the time you took to write back and thank you for hearing me vent.

    Have a great day and I’ll keep your suggestions to heart!

    • Like 19
    • Congrats! 1
  8. Hello to anyone listening!

    I just signed up and was eager to get going with Fiverr. I read a lot of people’s success stories over the web and was excited to join this community of freelancers.

    After setting up my first gig, I received my first message. I was super excited and couldn’t wait to see what the offer entailed. Once reading the message and carefully looking, I noticed the buyer was spelling ■■■■■ like this “$kype”. When I typed back that I don’t have ■■■■■ the terms and conditions policy reminder popped up. That was my first red flag since I’m new.

    The next following day (which is today November 25, 2019) I received another message. At this point, my excitement is only 50/50. I want to be optimistic but I’m naturally a realist and know-how corrupt this world can be. I opened the message and there was a link to further describe the job they wanted complete. The link was to dropbox with a pdf. The profile of the person was from the USA but the pdf was from a person in China. They wanted me to build websites offering $1500 a week. I reported the sender as spam.

    I’m just curious to see if there are real clients for newcomers on Fiverr or will I constantly be spammed by all the scams?

    Any help on this situation would be greatly appreciated! I tried to comment on Fiverr’s latest post on Instagram but they limit comments and I guess the reason is for this exact experience I’m having.

    Thank you,
    Patrick Perez

    • Like 28
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