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Posts posted by juan_adulf

  1. There's no perfect fit to be successful. The most important thing I've noticed that set you on the right part is quality. By quality, I mean in all ramifications, your service delivery, professionalism in your customer service and gig presentation. 

    Make sure you offer gigs you can deliver on cause the internal gig review from your satisfied customers have a lot to do with how much more briefs you get. 

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  2. First orders most times feel like your team winning the Premier League🤣. But that's where the main business comes in you will have to keep giving in your best to deliver premium services and on time, if not, you will lose that feeling in a day.

    Best advice, remember this words, it's always business first. Kill dopamine as early as possible and do all within your power to avoid early gratification.

    Good luck! Shalom! 

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  3. On 8/7/2023 at 8:36 PM, rawque_gulia said:

    Uff, I can't quite get rid of this mixed feeling. I am happy that I will be eligible so soon, but I am concerned that making it easy might kill the premium feel of the top-rated tier. I know the process is still the same and we have to provide exceptional service to be a top-rated seller, but still the eligibility criteria was good earlier (from my point of view).

    You made a valid point, the feel of giving in your best to get to $20,000 was the sole essence of the reverence of the tier. The standards might not change, but having literally everyone having the tag makes it lose the feel. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, newsmike said:

    What is your basis for this? You say it as a fact.

    Hypothetically, and you never heard QED. Thanks for the reference but I'm talking based on personal experience. If you have a conflicting opinion, you can do well to state. Thank you!

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  5. 10 minutes ago, mohon2233 said:

    I m telling him to stay online, I didn't tell him 24 hours, don't make it an issue . You can't do anything without harassing people.

    Hi Mohon,

    Ideally, staying online does not guarantee that his gigs will rank, but SEO and good job delivery overtime will. He just needs to keep up with concentration on the quality of his job. I think we mostly concentrate on what's not relevant that we forget that the little things really matter alot, issues like your account getting warnings, and order cancellation will inhibit your ranking process and most of us don't even work on closing the gaps before trying to rank. 

    However, what staying online will do is just to make you most preferred for receiving orders when you've proven your professionalism in that most clients prefer to talk to online sellers and get to start their work ASAP. 

    Sorry, if the sarcasm got to you anyway.

    All the best my friends!

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  6. To answer your question Brov, 100% No! If you have noticed, your forum and account logins are very different, you only use it via the platform because you work on Fiverr. So to make it clear, it will help you make improvements on Fiverr and your gig if you employ the things you've learned, but your ranking and badges on the forum don't not in any way affect your growth on the seller or buyer section. Candid advice, focus more on improving your gigs and account presence by delivering quality orders. 


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