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Posts posted by myvoices

  1. Do you mean stretched when seen as an impression, like in search results? Unfortunately they aren’t clear on that. I’ve found gig images tend to look different as a view than as an impression. I think it’s just a flaw in their setup. I don’t think there is a ratio that would avoid said issues here.

    Yes, I do mean in a search result.

    It seems kind of crazy that they don’t specify that. When I look at search results for gigs, I see so many with words that are slight squished, or faces look just a bit stretched. And most of it is not a huge amount of stretch or squash, but I have to say it makes so many of the gigs look unprofessional.

    And by extension, I feel like my stuff looks amateurish, because of the distortion.

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  2. I can’t seem to find this info anywhere, but what is the EXACT aspect ratio for Gig Gallery images to NOT stretch and distort when shown as a thumbnail?

    The gallery image suggestion says " 550 pixels width x 370", but even when I put up an image at that aspect ratio, it gets stretched horizontally.
    If I put up an image at 16x9, it gets squished vertically.

    Is there a proper aspect ratio for gallery images so they don’t get distorted when used as a gig thumbnail?

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