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Posts posted by awdickson

  1. I totally recognise the drop in revenue due to the changing market conditions, but when your gig used to regularly feature in the top 2 or 3 pages in the "recommended" section and is now on page 14, you can also see how a key change between then and now is visibility. When I see a level 1 seller gig that does erotic NSFW voice recordings on page 4, I'm asking myself how can a niche market level 1 gig with 45 reviews be more visible and higher placed than a top level seller gig with hundreds and hundreds of 5 star reviews? How is that gig recommended higher than mine in a general search? If I typed NSFW as a search parameter I'd expect it to be 1st on the list, and rightly so - that's their market. But for that gig to be placed higher than mine in the overall recommended VoiceOver list is just weird. That person could be crazy talented and wonderful, but you wouldn't recommend their niche NSFW gig to the average fiverr customer over a gig that covers multiple genres, has more experience on the platform and has more reviews. If search engines did that we would complain they weren't doing their job properly. 

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  2. I'd love to get a discussion going on this. I have 2 VoiceOver gigs and at one point my income was regularly between $2000 and $3000 per calendar month. Not exactly the big leagues in fiverr VoiceOver, but I was very happy. Over the last 6 months my fiverr orders have dropped off a cliff. I'm lucky to make $800 a month. It didn't seem to matter if I was promoting the gigs or not. It's as though whatever algorithm helped push my gig to the top few pages decided I was no longer worthy. I've tried changing SEO tags based on what the popular searches are, and today I've changed my gig thumbnails and started promoting them again. What do you guys of if/when a gig starts to drop in sales?

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  3. yes lack of native iPad app is annoying, as are the limitations of the app on phone itself. A classic is that when withdrawing funds on the app there doesn't seem to be the option to request bank transfer, it just defaults to PayPal, at least it did the last time I checked. 

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