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Posts posted by bigspaniard

  1. Congratulations!!!!! 

    Way to go, you are already ahead of most people who never take action with Fiverr. 

    What category are you in? What is your Gig about? How do you feel your Gig stacks up visually and price wise against your competitors?


    Warm regards, 


    Carlos (BigSpaniard)

    • Like 11
  2. Hello, 



    Thank you for sharing this. I feel the forums at times do not share enough of the wins and positivity. 

    I would love to connect with you here on the Fiverr platform and understand your Gigs better so I can refer people your way. 

    TRS and PRO are great goals and I have no doubt you will achieve them both. Both were elusive to me for a while and when I decided to stop thinking about them and instead on customer service it happened quickly. 

    Warm regards, 


    Carlos (BigSpaniard)

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  3. Hello, 

    I am terribly sorry to hear this. 

    I have never dealt with this situation before so do not even know where to begin. 

    I am looking across the Forums to see if this is normal and if a specific reason was given. 

    The message says "can not be reversed" so I imagine it is not a minor infraction. 

    While I scour the formus for some answers, I would suggest you create a timeline of all of the logins, messages, etc you have over the last several months to try and account with what it could be. Have you have a problem with an account before? Any messages in the message board which could be misinterpreted?

    Hoping for the best. 


    Warm regards, 

    Carlos (BigSpaniard)

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  4. Hello, 

    Kudos for taking control of your Gig and looking to promote externally. Between the Fiverr Seller webinar topics and the frequent enhancements to the Fiverr website widget, In my OPINION, Fiverr really likes when Sellers do this and has the data to show how it helps. 

    Social media is a great avenue for this if done correctly. I do not want to give you an endless list of "Marketing 101" tips that i have never used so I will instead share what works for me and what I have personally done. I am confident other social media rock stars in here will chime in with other golden nuggets 🙂

    Firstly, I think it is important to broaden your definition of what "social media channels" there are, besides the Big Four, I would encourage you to consider Telegram, Discord, Meetup, and even WeChat as social channels. 

    With your "social channel" options widened, I would next encourage you to consider creating your own "pond" instead of only fishing in others'. Nothing wrong with contacting an Admin or Organizer and pitching yourself but I can tell you as an organizer and Admin of massive communities I get pitched 8-10 times an hour and can not read half of them. What I mean by creating a "pond" instead of fishing in others is to build your own community instead of only relying on other gatekeepers.

    I can tell you firsthand how mind blowingly (not sure if it is a word, lol) rewarding and profitable it is to build your own. 

    I would not suggest this to just anybody but you are a Fiverr seller and therefore must be skilled in a certain area others want to hire for. Creating a community on Facebook, Meetup, Telegram or Discord around this will show you returns quickly. 

    Side benefit to the above is once you get a few dozen or so people in your community, REAL PEOPLE, then other communities of equal size reach out to you to collab. When I get pitched by a community owner it becomes a priority for me to reply.

    If you feel the above is a lot of Hocus-Pocus, I get it, it is not easy, but it 100% worked for me (still does) and I will 100% share all I know with you for free here, so why not? Still, here is a trick I am recently discovering with some other local Fiverr Seller buddies (Miami) that is working GREAT,...apply for the Fiverr Affiliate program, create a short Loom video showing how easy the process is, then share this video in your pitch to other Admins/Organizers on how they can get paid directly from Fiverr for sharing your Gig to their community (if your Gig allows for a freebie, give this Admin a free sample of your work on a real project they have). Running a community has costs so when an Admin/Organizer sees a way to offer real value to their community AND get paid for it from a trusted source on Fiverr then this translates into a WIN for you and your Gigs 🙂

    I could go on and n but I want this to be easy to digest and execute on. 

    I really hope this helps.


    Warm regards, 


    Carlos (BigSpaniard)

    • Like 6
  5. Hello @hasibhridoy9


    Welcome to the community! 🙂 🎊

    It looks like this request is from somebody who wants to gain work as somebody's project manager assistant or admin assistant. 

    Personally, while I think he is misusing the buyer request board, I can almost appreciate the thinking outside of the box to sell their Gig which I wish more people would do. Still, I am frustrated for you,  to hear that you are so irritated. 

    In the spirit of trying to alleviate your irritation, when I get overly irritated ( " too much irritated " ) about something on Fiverr, I treat it as a red flag that it may be time to take a walk, listen to one of my "get focused" playlists, or investigate what has a allowed me to get so irritated that somebody else looking for work, or spamming my "Linkedin inbox" could push me to this heightened level of irritation. 

    I really hope this helps, I hope you continue to be super active in the Fiverr community, and I am looking forward to collaborating with you in the future. 


    Carlos (BigSpaniard)

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  6. Hello, 

    The quickest way to reach Fiverr Pro for me was to not focus on it being the end goal.  The end goal for me is delivering above all expectations to Fiverr customers who interact with me and my Gig. 

    I agree with most of what was shared above by @smashradio(love the name 🎊 ). I would add that you should focus on constantly improving your skills, be fanatical about your customer service, and obviously comply with Fiverr TOS without fail. 

    Hope this helps and I hope you hit Fiverr pro soon. 


    Warm regards, 


    Carlos (BigSpaniard)


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  7. Hello @producteditor9

    I have not had a chance to check out your Gig (i do not know how to do this yet, lol), but I wanted to reply here as soon as I could. 

    There is a bazillion things that could be happening or not happening to cause you to not get any orders. 

    Here is a few questions I ask myself when an offer I have is not getting sales:


    1. Is my Gig offer page fully optimized and "sale worthy" (i.e. full compliment of images that clearly communicate  your offer, a hero image that shows you or a person as main thumbnail, a video if applicable, a few great reviews with an overall nice overall star rating, priced competitively and commensurate to your overall reviews and experience on platform, bio highlighting your skills, etc etc).
    2. What are you actively doing to get sales for your gig besides just having it active?
    3. Would you buy your own Gig in its current state over the competitors if they were lined up next to each other in search, if not, why not?
    4. Do you have the correct keywords in your listing title?

    I hope this helps as a starting point. I have a slammed day but will do my best to circle back here to help further. 

    What is your Gig about?


    Warm regards, 


    Carlos (BigSpaniard)

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  8. @omnilegentangel, you are the best! 🙂

    Thank you for the kind words. Funny enough, when I started on Fiverr as a Seller it was more out of curiosity and I never thought it would turn into such an important part of my life (as a Buyer and a Seller). I chose the name "BigSpaniard" because I didn't want people to know who I was or tie me to the Fiverr profile based on stereotypes I felt my colleagues had about Fiverr Sellers (all unfounded of course),...so I picked the only "other name" I had which was my gamer handle/name (back when I had time for that lol) which nobody knew. Once I began treating my Fiverr profile/business as a business instead of a hobby I grew in the ranks, and began worrying that this "BigSpaniard" name was too unprofessional and would torpedo true success for me on the platform. 

    I wonder now, even if Fiverr allowed me to change my seller name if I would, the "BigSpaniard" is sort of memorable and never negatively impacted my sales or growth,...#TeamFiverr .

    I just followed you here (recently learned how to do this myself) and inboxed you so it is easier for you to follow back. I am excited to learn more about your Gigs and share in your success.


    Warm regards, 


    Carlos (BigSpaniard)


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  9. Hello, 


    I think this is a phenomenal question. Personally, I have never looked at the experience level or seasoning of the buyer on the platform until I joined the Fiverr Seller Plus program (which I highly recommend) and saw this information displayed very front and center. 

    My reasoning is I frequently encounter Buyers on the Fiverr platform who are professional entrepreneurs/business people but have always worked face to face and therefore find their foray into Fiverr a little intimidating. With the newer Buyers I find communicating what is NOT included in the Gig is more important than what is (and is already communicated).

    I feel if I can go above and beyond for a new Fiverr Buyer, truly provide a WOW experience, then this Buyer will shop more on Fiverr and it is a way to pay it forward for other sellers 🙂

    I a a Fiverr TRS and Fiverr Pro Seller in the writing category, so 100% relate to your "vibe for writers" description. 🙂

    I hope the above helps and your question has definitely caused me to think a lot about this. 

     Warm regards, 


    Carlos (BigSpaniard)

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  10. Hello, 

    I am so sorry to hear this, the only feedback and personal advice I would give as a seller is a quote I have to remind myself of constantly, to "be careful what you tolerate. You are teaching people how to treat you."

    "yo wake up I got a job for ya" = I am not working with you and I will let you know in the most direct, respectful, and professional way possible. 

    There is a book I love by Jay Baer called Hug Your Haters that I refer to in these situations as well. 

    Good luck.


    Warm regards, 




    • Like 14
  11. Hello, 

    Great question. 

    There are so many ways to order this and I want to work through it with you, but can you share some details first about your Gig? Things like how you researched your keywords, title, etc? Are you priced competitively? Prior to this 1 month of no orders did you get consistent orders? Do you run paid ads on Fiverr?

    If allowed here in this forum, please share your Gig with me and i would be happy to look it over and give you feedback. I run a massive community in the Ecom space so if the Gig is high quality I would be happy to share it with my network. Sometimes all it takes is 1-2 sales to warm up the algo to your Gig 🙂

    Let me know the answers to the above my friend and I will give you more specific advice. 

    Warmest regards, 


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  12. Hello @omnilegentangel

    WOW! This is amazing, thank you for sharing this and hearing it makes me excited about the endless opportunities we have. 

    Also, congratulations on the first order, Five stars, and for beginning to sell on Fiverr. 

    Could you share how long it took you to get your first sale? I beet it will help anybody else who reads this for inspiration and has that question in mind. 🙂

    Will you add this amazing testimony to your skill to your Fiverr profile? 

    Wishing you continued sales and five stars. 

    Warm regards, 


    • Like 9
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  13. Hello, 

    I am sorry to hear about this. 

    Can you share why it was canceled? Is there an opportunity for growth or learning that can come from it?

    I will be the first to admit that sometimes there are people who are just flat out rude or unreasonable (fortunately they are few), but even in these situations I try to find some "Seller ROI". I made this up and it is the experience I learn from each and every sale, and the difficult ones (including cancelations) is where I gain the greatest opportunity for "Seller ROI".

    Questions I ask myself:

    1. How could I have communicated better in my Gig?
    2. How could I have set better expectations once gig was ordered?
    3. How could I improve my craft so this could be avoided?
    4. Could a modification to my systems have turned this situation into a win?
    5. Could my communication or customer service have been better?

    I hope this helps and I would love to strategize this out with you if it helps. 

    Now regarding the stalled sales, what do you offer in your Gig? If i know somebody looking for this sort of work i will refer them to your Gig (hoping this is allowed to be asked here). 

    Here to help if needed. 


    Warm regards, 


    Carlos (BigSpaniard)

    • Like 10
  14. Hello Fiverr Superheros 🙂

    I absolutely love this topic. I will share below the ways that I have marketed, jump started and overall scale my Gigs. 

    Much of what I will share below is not going to work if your Gig is not fully optimized (i.e. great title that communicates what you do, great images, video if relevant, priced competitively and with your Fiverr experience level in mind, etc etc). 

    Finally, I also have to admit that a few of the below are not easy,...in my experience easy is rarely synonymous with wild success. 🙂


    • Post a print out of your Gig on the community boards of Starbucks, Panera bread, or any other local board you have access to that has lots of traffic (think coffee house, study halls, and other spots that allow this and is usually full of rentals available, tutor for hire and guitar lessons).
    • Create a local Meetup group around your topic. This one is AMAZING and has near instant results. For me, many of my Gigs revolve around selling on Amazon, so I created an Amazon Seller Meetup group 6 years ago which has become the largest in the world. The members are all potential buyers of my Gig, I get to know them personally, and they tell me the types of Gigs they are looking for. If you design websites, or provide services beneficial to websites, then create a Wordpress of Shopify Meetup. 
    • Reach out to guest on other peoples podcast
    • Offer a free Gig to a community leader, podcast host, Youtube Channel in exchange for promoting your Gig on their Channel or to their community. Bonus points here if you create the work beforehand and offer it for free so you cut through the noise of everybody else filling their inbox. 
    • Same as above but send the community leader, podcast host, Youtube Channel influencer the link and a short Loom video on how they can join the Fiverr Affiliate program and earn money sharing your Gig to their communities straight from Fiverr. 
    • Run paid ads on Fiverr if eligible. This one has been amazing for me. 
    • Create a high value loss leader Gig to gain exposure, reviews, returning customers, and feedback. You know you have a great loss leader IMO when it feels like you are uncomfortable from giving away too much.
    • Paid ads on Facebook, IG, or Google (totally depends on your ad type and price points). 
    • Create a Facebook Group.
    • Optimize your Gigs title.
    • Create a referral network with other Fiverr sellers who create high quality, complimentary or competitive Gigs. There is enough for everybody and an abundance mentality truly has an amazing ROI. 


    I do not claim to have all of the answers but I have tried all of these with great success. My only regret is I do not add new Gigs quick enough. 🙂

    Would love to hear everybody elses advice on this topic so I can learn to grow my list of ways to rank Gigs from you as well. 

    Warmest regards, 



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