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Posts posted by numan_seo

  1. On 2/28/2024 at 9:24 PM, tro2789 said:


    This is not a solution to the problem. If anything it's making it worse. Throw the new system in the bin where it belongs. What problem is this even solving for Fiverr? You have so much data on customers already. Why include these vague questions that are proven to confuse buyers. I've had multiple reviews left where buyers have followed up with me stating they were confused by the review system and meant to leave something different than what appeared. How can you trust review data that comes from it if buyers themselves don't even understand the ratings they are giving? This is truly asinine and not indicative of nuanced and effective data analysis by any stretch of the imagination.


    Edit: To add to this, I've even had repeat customers give me lower ratings on these questions multiple times. This is to the point where I have stopped working with them because I need to put food on the table, and repeatedly low reviews out of confusion is just going to tank my score. Surely having to refuse repeat customers that indicate satisfaction with their buying behavior, despite the review system, is not actually serving them well if I have to protect my own rating and success score instead of serving them.

    100% agree with this. 

    I have cases with repeat clients who left 4 star reviews and later messaged me on Fiverr that the new rating system is not clear and upon review it appeared to be 4 stars where they intend to leave 5 stars. These are not new buyers they are experienced buyers regularly ordering on Fiverr. If the new system is hard for them to understand then you can imagine who bad experience it could be for new buyers. 

    Replacing stars with emojis on a professional platform makes no sense. Emojis are replaced with the stars later when the review appears on the seller profile, most of the buyers only then know what actual rating they gave. 

    "Very good" should be the highest rating level instead of "exceptional".


    Buyers don't place orders to fill these complex review forms etc, they are here to get their desired services. The review form should be simple and easy to fill. It should not be something scary and lengthy that buyers face a hard time filling. On top of they are annoyed with a private feedback which does not make any sense. This is too much work for a buyer to do dedicatedly without any benefit for them. That is why most of the buyers don't bother to fill them.

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  2. 11 hours ago, bilha2018 said:

    I personally don't like the 'Extend Review Period' feature very much. Here's why:

    Most of my clients are misusing the feature. I've had a client extend their review period four times now. Each time with 2 or 3 days. It's frustrating every time they do that. I have tried to communicate with them via inbox to find out if there are experiencing certain issues, but there's no communication from their end. 

    So, I agree with the majority here. This feature should work two-way through the resolution center. The buyer should communicate and let you know they need more time to review your order, and at that point, you can agree on how many days they can get. The same thing happens when we sellers need to extend the delivery date.

    Otherwise, some buyers are likely to misuse this feature. Some sort of moderation should be set in place. Or a limit to how many times they can use the feature. 

    Yeah, It should be done via 'Resolution Center' with the consent of both seller and buyer. Some of the clients are misusing the feature for extending the 'Review Period' unnecessarily without any communication. 

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  3. Since this update is rolled out, I have witnessed a clear decline in the clicks (impressions are the same) and organic orders are just gone. Not a single organic order since this faceless gig update is rolled out! If we search yourselves (as a seller) we really struggle to understand from the title of the gig alone what the service is about. Showing 2 industries' specialization is also a very bad idea. We as a seller service many to all industries and just randomly show 2 industries under the gig turning away buyers thinking we might not be experienced in their industry. New buyers and somewhat experienced buyers don't know how to choose among packages and order the right gig and this new plain gig experience is making the buying process even worse. It is a total confusion. 

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  4. This update actually very bad for both sellers and buyers as well. Buyers don't have time to read through the generic title of a gig and decide. Removing gig images would make it much harder and the buying process more hideous for buyers. They would need to read through all the text in the title and there would not be any differentiation in the gigs. Gig image serves as the brand image of the gig which we sellers optimize for CTR and conversion. Gig image serves as the first contact point and attention-grabbing tool which help buyers to choose the right service for their needs. If buyer has to read through the similar titles of 50 sellers offering similar service, it would obviously confuse them. Having a gig image is an essential part of gig and it should not be removed. 

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