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Everything posted by fazlasykat

  1. Best of luck, hope we will get that path day by day.
  2. I don't think so, I have been here on fiverr since 2015, and I have published a gig just nowadays and I am getting the impression hope it will be sold soon.
  3. I have been on Fiverr since 2015 but I was not so active here. Recently I have published a few gigs, But I am not getting a real response. Some people send me messages and their names are Fiverr and ask me to give my bank card information, can you people tell me what is the issue? Do I have any risk for my account?
  4. How long a Fiverr gig will take to be active properly? is it okay? if any gig is not getting the demanding visitor to get the sell after a while. Shall I crat new gigs or keep promoting existing one
  5. I had 2 Seals about 4 years ago, I was not been active at Fiverr.  Now is this okay to start from the same account? As I had been inactive for while?

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