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Posts posted by mhamayoun

  1. 13 hours ago, tintran said:

    negative feedback privately? I don't like the sound of that.
    This is like talking behind people's back. I hope I don't get these clients. I try my best with my orders if that isn't enough to get me a 5-star review. Then give me 4 star or lower that's fine. I just don't like the sound of 5 star public and like 3 star private.



    Exactly, I understand your concern. Many sellers share the same opinion on this matter, yet Fiverr has implemented it. The issue isn't about receiving private feedback for customer service, but rather, the seller evaluation criteria should be reconsidered. A single private feedback can significantly impact months of hard work, leading to a loss of hope for sellers.

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  2. On 12/3/2023 at 11:48 PM, sabaanwer said:

    I got 3 orders on fiverr last week but again not getting orders and less impressions on my gigs again now what should i do next can anyone help?

    It appears that a few clients may have provided negative feedback privately. To address this, consider creating additional gigs and implementing effective gig SEO strategies.

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  3. On 12/2/2023 at 1:44 AM, sherminakter said:

    Thank you, Fiverr. Today I have achieved another milestone. I have completed 626 Job on Fiverr Marketplace and achived 400+ feedback. Pray for me that I can serve a Quality work for all clients.



    Congratulations on reaching this remarkable milestone; you serve as an inspiration for sellers, including newcomers like myself.

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  4. 6 hours ago, rrauwl said:

    I aspire to grow my Fiverr affiliate site activity, so I can bring more people to Fiverr Learn, and to the great gigs that my fellow freelancers offer.

    That means I have a need that the platform doesn't currently support: A system to hand off referrals to a fellow Fiverr freelancer using my affiliate codes. Right now that system is impersonal and ineffective (using affiliate codes based on referral URLs).

    We need a referral system baked right into the platform, so that we can vet solutions for our clients and hand them directly off to fellow freelancers, while earning a percentage as a Fiverr affiliate. There should be a three way chat available where we can directly introduce our client to the freelancer, before bowing out. That will increase client satisfaction and keep more work on the platform.

    I appreciate your dedication to growing Fiverr affiliate site activity and your insightful suggestion for a more personalized referral system, which would undoubtedly enhance client satisfaction and keep more work on the platform.

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  5. While I may not be featured on Fiverr's list of top sellers, I've managed to secure a few orders and learned some valuable lessons in improving gig performance. If you're interested, here's what I've discovered:

    1. Optimize Your Gig Titles and Descriptions:

    When I initially launched my gig, I faced low clicks and impressions, leaving me a bit disheartened. After some research, I realized the issue was with my gig title and description. Many new sellers make the mistake of combining multiple gig descriptions without considering SEO and keywords. The solution? Craft titles that are catchy and rich in relevant keywords. Your gig description should be a compelling showcase of your services.

    2. Create Your Portfolio:

    Think of creating your portfolio as placing something relevant on the shelf for clients to see what they'll get from your gig. Take the time to build a good portfolio, avoiding any rush. Remember, one quality portfolio sample is better than a hundred subpar ones. Review other sellers' portfolios for inspiration and start creating your own unique showcase.

    3. Competitive Pricing is Crucial:

    I've been down the road of thinking lower prices mean better chances of getting orders. However, pricing too low can devalue your services. Competitive pricing is key to offering value to both clients and your services. Find that sweet spot that reflects your skills and the worth of your work.

    4. Always Go for a Micro Niche:

    Many sellers offer multiple services, not realizing they're competing with various professionals. To increase your chances of winning projects, consider focusing on a micro-niche. I, for example, am a civil engineer providing BIM, structural, and architectural solutions. Recognizing the low competition in a specific keyword, I decided to target it, resulting in over 10 orders for that particular gig.


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