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Everything posted by night49

  1. Yes, you and your spouse can use two different Fiverr profiles and provide different services from a single PC. Fiverr allows individuals to create multiple accounts as long as each account represents a distinct individual or business entity. However, it's important to ensure that both profiles adhere to Fiverr's terms of service and community standards. Additionally, each profile should be managed separately, with distinct login credentials and communication channels to avoid any confusion or violation of Fiverr's policies.😇
  2. I've been in touch with Fiverr since 2018, and the journey has been nothing short of amazing. The support and opportunities provided by Fiverr have played a crucial role in my growth as a graphic designer. I'm truly excited about the possibility of contributing to Fiverr Logo Maker.

    As someone who has followed and admired Fiverr's development, I'm eager to bring my skills to the Logo Maker platform. I hope you'll consider enabling the option for me to work on Fiverr Logo Maker. I believe my dedication to quality design aligns with Fiverr's commitment to excellence.

    Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to the potential opportunity to contribute to the Fiverr Logo Maker platform.

  3. About Fiverr:

    Fiverr is an online marketplace that connects freelancers with clients seeking various services. It offers a wide range of categories, including graphic design, writing, programming, marketing, and more. Users on Fiverr, known as sellers, create "gigs" to showcase their services, and buyers can browse these gigs to find the right freelancer for their needs.

    Logo Design Services on Fiverr:

    Logo design is one of the popular categories on Fiverr. Sellers, or logo makers, offer their services to create unique and customized logos for individuals and businesses. Here's what you might typically find on Fiverr's logo design gigs:

    1. Diverse Styles: Logo makers on Fiverr often specialize in various design styles, from minimalist and modern to vintage and illustrative.

    2. Packages and Pricing: Sellers usually offer different packages with varying levels of service, such as the number of initial concepts, revisions, and file formats. Prices can vary based on the complexity of the design and the expertise of the seller.

    3. Portfolio and Reviews: Fiverr allows sellers to showcase their portfolios, providing buyers with a glimpse of their previous work. Reviews and ratings from past clients help prospective buyers assess the quality of a seller's services.

    4. Communication: Fiverr has a messaging system that allows buyers and sellers to communicate throughout the design process. This ensures that the final product aligns with the buyer's vision.

    If you have specific questions about the services offered by a particular Fiverr seller or the features on the linked page, I recommend visiting the Fiverr website directly to explore the content and details provided by the seller.

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