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Posts posted by sarahkhan97

  1. On 5/25/2022 at 7:43 AM, brillzart said:

    There are so many genres of music out there, I couldn't even list them all if I tried. 😅

    My favorite are dance/electronic, alternative/rock, and pop (including pop in other languages). 

    My follow-ups would be R&B/Soul, hip hop, lofi hip-hop, and piano. 

    Unfortunately, I don't like rap or classical music much. 😪

    All kind of music except the rock&rap means too much rock-rap, but mostly metallic, soft, classic, pop-jazz, K-pop, lofi or old classic grunchs....80's 90's 

    and other languages songs.....Turkish, German, Spanish, Arabic Chinese, Korean and Cosplays or Anime musics.

    Some of my favourites:


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  2. 22 hours ago, nabid296 said:

    I opened up my Fiverr account back in 2011. But I was neither active had worked in Fiverr. 

    But now I feel I should take Fiverr seriously. 

    Opened up a gig but not sure if it is doing good or not. 

    So, my humble question to the forum-

    - Should I continue with my running account or  
    - Should I remove it and start with a new one. ?? 

    Your guidance is much appreciated. 


    keep the old account, activate it again and do some touches, e.g. changing keywords and descriptions also new account will not make any difference, good luck to you.

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  3. On 8/31/2021 at 2:30 PM, donnovan86 said:

    The username is final. You chose it yourself when you created your account. Why would you want to change it? You need to think hard before you submit the username, as it's final. Plus, it would be unprofessional to change the username, as people would just believe you are someone else. What if I changed my current username to happyflower3025? Customers would be confused and they would see me as unprofessional. 

    That's right, think carefully before using the one 

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  4. On 3/18/2022 at 10:34 AM, myb2bservices said:

    I completely agree with you! 

    China performed well in this regard. They do not let foreign enterprises to operate; instead, they purchase local services and sell globally. 

    They were so thoughtful, and now we're seeing the circumstances and their best moves according to it, how safe and brilliant.

    The new system has already been started in Russi.. 

    • Like 67
  5. Both of the citizens are innocent, except for those you know, well hope so online earning communities will  play fairly to each one, as we know work and person's talent matters.

    I have a query: is there any solution?Like what if they change their citizenship on fiverr? possible? 

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  6. 10 hours ago, ledpgraphichome said:

    I wants to know how to rank my fiverr gig and how to do fiverr gig marketing and get order. 

    Yes search the forum, get the tips, gig marketing tips has been written many times, also do some investment on your gig, you know better the key words the more searches, accurate services ....also do some local searches, start from your circle..

    You may know this business trick? Social circle?Right...


    If you post the same query on google it will give you many following links including YouTube 

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