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Posts posted by farazsiyal

  1. 12 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

    many of the buyers who want immediate help from someone who is online at the time are the most dangerous buyers.

    Not all buyers who need quick help are bad. Many are actually good buyers. Every seller's experience on Fiverr is different. But my point is the opportunity for new sellers as the post author is a new seller ( @designer_4your ). I believe pro sellers, top rated sellers and even level 2 sellers don't need to be online to get these type of orders. But, new sellers can benefit from these urgent orders.

    At the start, getting the first 20 orders on Fiverr can be tough. So, these quick jobs can be a big help. I'm not saying sellers have to be online all day and night, but being active during their work hours could be really good.

    Also just being online won't be enough. They need to promote their gigs and understand how the Fiverr ranking system works.

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  2. 10 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

    This myth is spread by sellers

    Being online doesn't increase your gig performance but it does provide you with an opportunity to receive orders. Fiverr offers a feature that allows buyers to view all active users, Put yourself in the shoes of a buyer who needs a service urgently – naturally, you'd likely choose a seller who is currently online. So, I believe being online can provide an opportunity to receive orders. But it doesn't help to increase gig performance. If you're only online without promoting your gigs on social media, you might be wasting your time.

    be active, share your gigs on social media, research your competitor gigs and explore fiverr seller plus.

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  3. I have seen that many sellers have added big companies like Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Apple and they are building a website for $30. It's impossible to believe that they have worked with such big companies but they are offering website services for $30.

    How does the 'Among my clients' tab work and which clients are allowed to be added to it?

    I think we can add all the clients we have worked with, but can we also add Wix, Squarespace, Shopify, and WebFlow? We use these platforms to build websites and they give us badges as a result. For example, I am a Wix partner and a member of the Squarespace Circle. Can I add these companies in the 'Among my clients' tab? I have seen many top-rated sellers doing this and mentioning their badges/pro membership details in the "among my client" description. Is this legal?


    Please help me with this. I would appreciate it. Thank you 🙂

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