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Posts posted by junaid_ahmad92

  1. 3 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    You can mark the person you need to reply to with a Star, and then check starred conversations.

    Thank you for suggestion, but sometimes I forgot marking a specific chat and when I have to find it again then I can't do that. Before, i could scroll down and explore all the chats but now it just won't show anything beyond 30 chats. Is there any specific reason why they limited chat loading to 30 people only?

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  2. Hi guys,
    I am facing an issue with Fiverr web inbox. It does not load more than 30 chats and If I want to talk with someone, I had to check his username from the mobile app and then search his/her name and start chat in the web. Before that, it was easy to scroll down and load new old chats in the web inbox but now it's not working. It's really frustrating and time consuming to find username through mobile app and then start chat. 
    If anyone knows the solution to this problem, please let me know. I would highly appreciate that. 
    Thank you.

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  3. In my opinion, its a bad idea if used without consent of the seller. A buyer can misuse this feature and keep extending the review date. It must be a agreement between buyer and seller or review period should be extendable one time only so no one can misuse it. Also maximum extension period should be 10-15 days otherwise, it wont be possible to prohibit buyers to misuse it. 

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