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Everything posted by mediamonarch

  1. I think I must have phrased my initial message poorly (I was very tired). What I was asking was, what is the best way to generate new inbox messages on Fiverr from those who already have an account or will create an account, for example, is it best to run Facebook ads, Instagram ads etc. I wanted to know what platform is best to run adds on to get people onto my profile and either sign in or create an account and message me via inbox.
  2. Last month was the first time I have had a level demotion in 5 years due to a low response rate. The main reason for my lower response rate is due to the fact that I just haven't been receiving inbox messages at the rate that I used to get in the past. When "Buyers requests" was still a thing, I used to send out my 10 daily offers and wake up to about 4-5 new messages every single day and I would answer them that morning so my response rate was super high, but now I just check sporadically as I just haven't been getting inbox messages for example, I can go for days without receiving a single message so I just don't check as often as I used to which has caused me to miss the very few messages that have come in and I end up answering them late (red clock icon). I also used to get new inbox messages every single day when I was running Fiverr's "promoted gigs" programme, but, as most sellers have experienced, this turns itself off whenever it feels like it due to the algorithm even though all your services are still eligible and you are generating high revenue running them. I am considering purchasing some external promotion since Fiverr promoted gigs hasn't been eligible for me for quite some time so I need something similar to get those inbox messages so that I can improve my response rate and get it back to where it was. I was just wondering if anyone had suggestions as to what is the best platform to run adds on to generate inbox messages from potential clients 📳
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