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Posts posted by helloscoopz

  1. It is not helpful at all if the seller's other performance parameters are crap. The only benefit I see being online is you can get filtered in when a buyer search with online seller filter on. but that doesn't guarantee you sales in any means as I said if other standards are not met.

    • Like 12
  2. 1 hour ago, mohasinkabir said:

    i said it my client but he send me zoom meeting link . Although i refuesd it .At that situation, is affect my account?

    No, It might effect on the buyer's account not yours.

    • Like 7
  3. Having more revisions usually does not impact on your rankings, revisions are meant to happen in orders because no seller will be 100% perfect to deliver exactly what buyer asking for in the first glance. That aside, your problem might be a different thing. I myself have also experienced such rank reduction with nothing bad happening on my account so I assume that's all because how search algorithm works.

    • Like 4
  4. Why would you report someone just because they asked for a higher price?

    Because it is against Fiverr’s TOS to do bait-and-switch marketing, as stated in @imagination7413’s post. As someone who has bought a lot on Fiverr, this is something that I have found that sellers do a lot, and it’s incredibly annoying. I agree with the OP on that.

    That being said, the problem can be mitigated by not contacting sellers who offer services at prices that are too good to be true. They often turn out to be exactly that.

    the problem can be mitigated by not contacting sellers who offer services at prices that are too good to be true. They often turn out to be exactly that.

    I agree with this. but don’t forget the feature of creating custom offers is there for sellers to create offers tailored for the requirement of the buyer, If everything can be done as the price showed in the gig packages Fiverr would’ve not added such a feature.

    That’s why I said:

    Sellers can’t package everything they can do into only 3 packages. what they do is common packages for common requirements. Was your requirement common enough to fall into a package that the seller offered? If so you may think of reporting.

    If the requirement belongs to the package, yes seller should not ask for more. If the requirement is too simple or too complex, the price can be low or high than displayed in the gig package. that wouldn’t be a ToS violation and that’s what I talked about. Just because the seller asked more doesn’t mean it’s a ToS violation. There are other facts to be added in according for it to be a ToS violation.

    • Like 7
  5. image

    which report option would you recommend?

    which report option would you recommend?

    Why would you report someone just because they asked for a higher price? It’s a right of the seller to ask whatever they wants, and it’s your right to find someone else if you don’t find a good rate from a seller. sellers can’t package everything they can do into only 3 packages. what they do is common packages for common requirements. Was your requirement common enough to fall into a package that the seller offered? If so you may think of reporting.

    me contacting 20 sellers to find one thats honest is a waste of my time

    If you think this platform is that terrible, and sellers are that terrible, and it wastes your time., why would you waste more of your time posting on the forum and stuff? you could move on to another platform where you have good prices.

    This is what I find, people come here expecting to get their work done for the cheapest possible. (I mean most of the buyers) that’s how Fiverr became famous. Like, get your work done for $5. but now things are different here. so when buyers don’t get the price they’re expecting they get mad. but what they don’t realize is that they’re already getting a massive discount compared to other freelance platforms.

    • Like 6
  6. Sometimes I ask for 2x or even 3x the price from my highest package since I do software developments and I can’t be done packaging what I could offer, the packages I have is are for most common tasks. So If you’re trying to do a custom offer it all depends on the complexity of the project. If the seller’s quote does not align within your budget you may ask for a negotiation if the seller doesn’t seems to go low, you have total freedom to find some other seller who offers the same service. 🙂

    • Like 9
  7. Indeed! Love the suggestion. In the meantime, you might try the Google Chrome addon for PC to force a dark mode on Fiverr and other websites. It works well with some websites, but not all, so you just have to test. Here it is:

    51502f93396c6b3d0a2909a8df00076c1a17b901.pngchrome.google.com e9dada3c6ef5a0f5820f5c89f603e213c2f908d6.png

    Dark Mode

    A global dark theme for the web

    I don’t really recommend this extension for anyone, it seems really innocent but it has all the access to read and change the data on the site you’re currently on or at least the site you’re visiting as it clearly mentions. I know that to enable dark mode feature that developer should have both the read and write permission but they don’t state that they use that particular access ONLY to enable that dark mode feature. 😉


    Not only this one, but most of the extensions which are there under unknown brand names or unknown developers are doing this stuff while showcasing their non-profit work.

    I highly recommend not to use this kind of an extension (or any extension) on a market place like Fiverr if you wish to keep your stuff safe. 🙂

    • Like 23
  8. Actually, Fiverr takes a 20% fee from the seller, buyers, as stated in the terms of service, pay US$2 for orders of up to US$40 and 5% for orders from US$40 up, so yes, they do as they must and it wouldn’t be fair to charge the sellers even more, seeing that 20% vs 5%.

    In case buyers wouldn’t be charged that 5% but sellers 25% instead, sellers would need to catch that in their pricing anyway, so it wouldn’t really make a difference for buyers.

    You don’t have to leave a tip, I left one for my last 2 orders because I was really happy with the delivery and the price the seller asked was very fair, so I don’t remember what exactly to click to not leave one because it’s quite a while that I didn’t leave a tip but I have also ordered before without leaving a tip, so it’s definitely possible, the site won’t force anyone to leave a tip …

    I agree with not charging a fee for tipping, however, we know that’s due to some sellers/buyers abusing the tipping function else to partly evade the fee for the actual service, but I really wish Fiverr could find a better way to handle that than to charge a fee on tips indeed.

    I agree with not charging a fee for tipping, however, we know that’s due to some sellers/buyers abusing the tipping function else to partly evade the fee for the actual service

    This is the exact reason why they apply fees on tips. It’s quite understandable.

    • Like 6
  9. Hello Dear Friends,

    This is Noor Ahmad Fazli, an Afghan resident. Since I am new on Fiverr, I need to know how and where to find and see relevant projects to my Gigs?

    my link: https://www.fiverr.com/fazliafghan?up_rollout=true


    I need to know how and where to find and see relevant projects to my Gigs?

    In Fiverr platform, sellers do not seek for projects (unless in buyer requests). Instead the buyer will seek the seller and give them the project. That’s why the seller has to create a gig where people can see the listed offers when they search what they want on Fiverr’s search box. So here, you don’t need to do anything in according to get orders other than creating a nice eye catching gig while offering a quality service for a better budget. 🙂

    Welcome to the Fiverr community. Happy Selling! 🥳

    • Like 4
  10. You can’t do more than hit the report/spam button and hope they’ll eventually run out of spoofed IPs, MACs and such, or realize they are wasting their time because nobody falls prey to their scheme.

    Personally, I only report after sending a brief reply because I don’t trust the “this won’t affect your response rate” statement after the experience that it did.

    You should get less of these, the longer you are here, as the spammers and scammers usually focus on newer sellers.

    I don’t trust the “this won’t affect your response rate” statement

    Actually, with my experience, it actually does not affect the response rate.

    You should get less of these, the longer you are here, as the spammers and scammers usually focus on newer sellers.

    This is very true, spammers always try with newly joined sellers who don’t know how the site works. I saw some newbies done some jobs for buyers without even getting an actual order which is unfortunate.

    Sellers on Fiverr must read the ToS before they start working on the platform.

    • Like 7
  11. I would tell them what the gig description says they will get and then do it the best that I can. And deiver it.

    I wouldn’t let them think they can get away with asking for something I don’t offer nor would they get a refund. I would say they will get what the gig offers and then give them that.

    I would copy the gig description and send it to them and tell them to read it and tell them I will be sending what the gig offers.

    Yeah, that’s fine. but what’ll happen buyer is not satisfied further. You will need to cancel the order, or else buyer will contact CS and the order will get cancelled by CS.

    • Like 8
  12. As a seller who never has a cancellation that’s my fault I think buyers should not be able to cancel an order for any reason aside from non-delivery. Otherwise they need to know that when they place an order that they won’t be getting any refund.

    Otherwise they need to know that when they place an order that they won’t be getting any refund.

    That will be kind of a joke when it comes to Customer Support. Because they always issue refunds for the buyer when needed. It doesn’t matter what sellers did. because the CS always worry about money back guarantee.

    • Like 7
  13. As a seller who never has a cancellation that’s my fault I think buyers should not be able to cancel an order for any reason aside from non-delivery. Otherwise they need to know that when they place an order that they won’t be getting any refund.

    If someone order a gig and asks to do something has not offered in the gig or a complex version of gig offers, what will be the result?

    • Like 8
  14. Hi there,

    I am a seller since may 2017. I do my best in each and every order to meet the customer’s requirement. I always give affordable and flexible offers for buyers and I have more than 150+ orders completed with best customer satisfaction. But there is a little thing i’m frustrating about.

    I got lots of orders from buyers, that they order the gig without letting me know about the order information, even without asking weather i’m able to do it or not. Since I’m doing programming stuff, there may be lot of sides which I am not familiar with, so i can’t do everything related to programming which is not a secret because I’m not a wizard. Since that I clearly state in my gigs,

    “Please DO NOT order this gig without contacting me”

    Even though, I get orders without any communication. Which is very inconvenience. Because each time i get that kind of an order which something i can’t do, i have to cancel the order and refund the buyer.

    I was level 2 seller, Due to these kind of order cancellations I got demoted to no level. 😥

    To this disaster, I have a clear suggestion which fiverr development team can think of. What happens if someone is place an order on a gig, seller get’s a notification stating that you received a new order, would you prefer to accept it? and there may be buttons to accept and decline. If seller decline the order, funds should refund to the buyer’s account. If the seller accepts, the order should start as usual. If seller don’t take an action within some specified time period order should cancelled or automatically starts according to the Fiverr’s requirement. That way there is a lots of transparency on the order which we can control on.

    I’m suggesting this because this is a already available function in other freelancing platforms which i am working on. And that make sense. Seller always should know information about projects that they are going to work on and seller should have to have the capability of accepting or rejecting it.

    Please add your opinion as a comment, I would love to see what sellers think about this. ☺️

    Thanks for reading,
    Happy Fiverring & Have a nice day!

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