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Posts posted by thefarrahmonste

  1. On 11/26/2022 at 10:02 PM, siridhata said:

    So I'm wondering how you and your gigs are doing now. Is everything back to normal for you? My impression went up about two weeks ago but then it started going down again since last week. And now I'm not even getting any briefs.

    It has truly been odd.  This last week or so I had a whole bunch of new orders and messages!  Just like old times.  I also got several briefs for the first time as well.  Just super strange and unpredictable compared to my previous years on Fiverr!  I wonder if they're toying with the algorithm, because the sudden influx of new orders came out of nowhere.

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  2. Yep, the time where it started to go down for me seems to line up with the timing you experienced as well.  Looking at my analytics, it started going down around the time the new algorithm and Briefs came in, but I took a few weeks to notice it because October was such a busy month for me on here with lots of orders from repeat buyers.  Now I can see my number of NEW buyers was already drifting down.  It's really upsetting, I hope Fiverr can find a way to remedy this because it's not exactly a win for them if a lot of their successful sellers are suddenly unable to make money!

  3. Hi everyone!  I posted about this on another section of Fiverr a bit okay, but I figured it might be even better to get advice and opinions from people working in the same space.  I do session vocals on here, and I like to think I've been fairly successful with it (enough to keep a roof over my head for the last few years, anyways).  Then something kinda changed... I went from averaging 20-30 orders per month, to suddenly only receiving 3 orders for the entire month of November. And I do mean suddenly - October was a very successful month for me, while November's numbers are lower than ever before.   This has dealt quite a hit to my income since Fiverr was a pretty big portion of my yearly earnings 😞

    I haven't had sales this low since I first started back in the day, so I'm... freaking out a bit?  I'm not quite sure what I've done wrong, or what I should do to get the machine going again.  I have tried lowering my prices (right now they're the lowest they've been in years, these are the prices I was using as a newbie)... that didn't work.  I tried changing a few keywords... nothin'.  In an act of desperation, I switched out my usual gallery songs (the songs which have been getting me steady work on here for years)... that was merely 24 hours ago, so only time will tell. I'm currently reaching out to some producers I've worked with in the past for permissions to display some of our past works on my profile, to see if I could benefit from having fewer covers and more originals displayed.

    I'm not even getting MESSAGES anymore... plenty of impressions, similar clicks, but NO messages! I used to wake up nearly everyday with tons of new messages from interested buyers (I'd say I answered 5-10 messages per day).  The entire month of November, I've only had 5 messages, two of which were from repeat buyers.  I'm kinda at a loss here, but would love to hear if anyone has any suggestions on what I might be able to do to repair my gig.

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  4. While I hate to see a fellow seller struggling, it is somewhat of a relief to know I am at least not alone!  I am truly puzzled by this situation.  Like you, my prices and service are very competitive for my category, so I know this isn't just an issue of needing to lower my prices (plus, towards the beginning of the month I panicked and DID lower my prices... it made no difference). 

    This is quite bad and I suspect the new Fiverr algorithm is pulling a lose-lose for both sellers and buyers.  Since my impressions are roughly the same, it leads me to believe Fiverr's new algorithm is still showing me to people, but the WRONG people.   I'm coming up in search, but clearly not for the people who need me. This must be frustrating for buyers as well since I imagine they are struggling to find what they need just as we are struggling to find clients.

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  5. I'm honestly a little flummoxed.  I've been actively selling on Fiverr for years now, it's a pretty major part of my income and has been steady with basically no problems.  I've never had trouble finding clients, and have amassed over 500 5-star reviews. 

    Then, this month happened.  I have literally never had a month like this in my entire tenure on this site.  My conversion rate, with seemingly no reason, has absolutely plummeted INSANELY low.  I normally average around 20 sales per month on here... in November, I've had two sales.  I am genuinely scared lol the strangest thing is... I'm still getting a pretty typical number of impressions but my conversion rate has dropped HUGELY without any change, practically overnight.  October was a great month, in fact one of my most profitable months this year.  And then November... suddenly nothing.   I'm not even getting messages!  I normally wake up to 5+ new messages from interested buyers every morning, in November I've had less than 10 messages all month.

    Has the algorithm turned against me?  I try not to whine.  I love working on Fiverr, I love freelancing, I've made some amazing industry contacts, some friends.  It has been an awesome experience for me, has helped keep a roof over my head at times, has paid for medical bills when I developed a chronic health condition... this is really blowing my mind.  Fiverr has been so great for me in so many ways until now.


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  6. I have been experiencing a similar issue.  I have made thousands on this app every year for years but since the implementation of briefs and the new algorithm, I am going weeks without a single sale, something that has never happened before in the 5 years I’ve been on here.  Fiverr is a pretty huge source of my income so this has been an absolute disaster for me.  I’ve never had any difficulty finding new clients on here, it’s pretty shocking.

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