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Posts posted by celestialsteps

  1. My proof that this new rating system is a total mess: 

    I have been on the top of or at least on first page of results for 3 years now. Numerous 5* ratings & tips and more than 4500 orders complete. 

    Now, I do not appear at all on the search results. I also see some new sellers appearing on the first pages that have copied my gig description word by word. They think that my wording was my reason for success, but this is far from the truth. 

    I reported the first one of these to Fiverr, the most obvious one, to see the result, and then I will go on doing this...  Some others have slightly changed the wording, but still, I identify my descriptions. 

    I had seen this happening before but didn't bother. 

    I'm sure that the quality of their work is not even close to mine if they can't even make up their own descriptions. They don't know what they are talking about. But they don't have any ratings, so probably are still waiting for their first order. But, the advanced AI system that rates us doesn't take these new sellers into account. 

    I'm just imagining my account being compared to the account of the person who has copied my description. I have a 4 score and nowhere to be seen, while this person is in the first results!


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  2. Although I have worked with some wonderful people during my 3 years presence on this platform, I have also come across some very rude people and also some people that don't respect or want to exploit the seller, e.g. not submitting the requirements, not responding and eventually having to cancel the order, or asking for more work which in most cases I did deliver without extra payment. I have numerous examples that could have me writing for hours here, and certainly have kept me awake at night from the stressful experience, because I have had more than 4500 complete orders within 3 years. 

    If Fiverr would be fair and kept the balance between sellers - buyers (which is I think one the most important issues here), they would need to find a way to filter buyers that are dishonest. For example why not introduce a secret rating system (from our input or from behavior on the platform) to rate buyer and use this score to weight their input and the severity of a cancellation etc. For example, I don't think that a buyer who has several cancellations should have these cancellations taken into account. The problem is definitely theirs. 

    Furthermore, I would be happy to have an option to accept orders. Most of the time, people just order from me without even contacting. I don't have an option to have them even send me a message to check with me before ordering. There are some very rare people who send me a message to ask me if I am available to work with them and I really appreciate this. 

    Having said this, I'm really tired with all these and since I realized some months ago that this rating system was active in the background, seeing my work going down hill, I started working on my own website, which is almost done. I'm not going to leave Fiverr, but wont take it as seriously as I did. This is a very TOXIC environment that even though I appreciate the chance I have been given, my health is seriously affected by this whole situation and it is not worth it any more. 

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  3. Hello! There are many issues with the new system, which I feel was already in operation in the background for the last months, causing a terrible downfall to my work. I can see now what one of the problems is. I have 66 canceled orders out of a total of 4575. Most of them are people that didn’t complete the requirements and they never responded to my messages. And, seemingly, for this reason, I have lost my Level 2 and now am a “0”. There are some reasons that cancellations are unfairly counted against us, which is not reasonable at all. Especially for people who work with a high volume of buyers, all this is very hard to handle. 

    Especially indicative is the following: I have a gig, which doesn't have many orders (because of the high price). The buyer told me that they used the wrong credit card and wanted to cancel and reorder. I had read that when someone reorders within some days (this was done within the day), this cancelation wouldn't count. Unfortunately, it did count, as I see now. I wouldn't be so helpful with my buyer's request if I knew this. It is the only cancellation of this gig, which seemingly had a big impact on its score. Ironically, this person was more than satisfied with my work and communication. 

    I really don't understand why we are punished for working on this platform.

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