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Posts posted by lancewrite

  1. War destroys the country, a nation, and his coming nation. War destroys the infrastructure and buildings. War stops development and pushes back the country to 100 years old. 

    Countries do war to capture other county and we seen in history this thing killed millions of people yet. 

    War killing someone father, mother, son, grandson, daughter, granddaughter.

    War injured people and their entire life people feel uncomfortable with his/her that disability.

    So let's forget about greed and join hands and say bye-bye to war. We don't need a war. We need a peaceful world where a person from Canada starts to travel in his car and see all around the world and finally reaches his home safely and hugs his family with a smile. 

    Let's stop fighting. Fight destroyed many countries like Afghanistan. Stop the world and give it a chance to develop. #Fiverr #Ukrain #war

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  2. Mine is 548%, but that’s only because my gigs are dominating on other planets as well.

    Seriously, though, why do people keep posting these “world domination” topics? They serve no functional purpose other to compare a completely irrelevant stat.

    it is just fo our education, if you dont like it then dont participate in these type of posts and ignore it,

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