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Posts posted by chellerose

  1. Having the same issue here. As soon as the "official" implementation of the rating system, I've dropped from 8-12k impressions per day to ~2k. It's actually a visual drop on the graph on the exact same date that the seller rating changes took effect. The ONLY change on my account? A drop to Seller Succes Level 9 for a gig that ONLY has cancellations due to buyer accidental purchases, buyer out of scope requests, or buyers that purchase and then disappear for A YEAR (and a one-off where a customer re-ordered because he forgot to apply a coupon discount the first time). EVERY SINGLE TIME, customer service "fixed" my cancellation rating back to 100% and this has been consistent for the past 4 years because obviously, these are not a seller's fault.

    Yet cancellations are now showing as a "strong negative impact" on my gig and my gig is getting hardly any impressions due to cancellations that I can't control (and which were determined to not be my fault). And Top Rated Sellers or people with popular gigs are even more affected as it's more likely that people buy without reading your gig (happens often) and then need to cancel (again, because they didn't even read your gig). When my profile was on the front page and open to orders, I would get an order almost WEEKLY for someone asking me to build from scratch the "entire front page of Etsy/Amazon" (with all full functionality, of course) without even reading my gig. Then those would require cancellation for being out of scope. And now, all of those cancellations are now affecting me, which is horribly unfair, especially when Fiverr basically hides the full text of your gig on mobile, where tons of people purchase.

    I have an agency with employees now doing nothing because of this change. We're now focusing on moving off this platform to other competitors because this change is ridiculous. 

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  2. I am so horribly opposed to this idea. There is no restriction on the amount of times they can do this, or it doesn't seem to have one. It makes doing business here now more a pain than pro-active and even as a Top Rated Seller, my team and I are seriously considering moving our services to other platforms instead. This impacts businesses like mine when a buyer can repeatedly extend and weeks have passed before I'll receive pay for work done. Absolutely HATE this new implementation. 

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