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Posts posted by louisherman

  1. I tweet, Facebook, and LinkedIn each one of my gigs daily. I’ve been on Fiverr less than two (2) months. I also periodically post on Pinterest and Instagram too- when I have time.

    In this short amount of time, Fiverr analytics displays my #1 gig having:

    39K impressions (page turns)

    580 clicks (from impressions in the last 30 days)

    1.3K total pageviews (actual eyeballs that took a look at the gig).

    And, THIS is wild! Another gig that I’ve had up LESS THAN 2 and 1/2 weeks shows Fiverr analytics stating:

    34K impressions (page turns)

    586 clicks (from impressions in the last 30 days)

    2K total pageviews (actual eyeballs that took a look at the gig)

    So for me, Social Media Networking is BIG. That’s where everyone is; on SM sites.

    I also communicate HEAVILY with my potential and repeat buyers; giving them ALL KINDS of pertinent information, attempting to save them as much unnecessary trouble and grief as I can, pointing out things that I see that they’re missing or tweaks they could make to what they currently have in place. I’m a marketer, first and foremost, and happen to notice things like that.

    I don’t approach Fiverr buyers from a “Gimme Your Money/Gimme As Much of Your Money As I can Get” way of doing business. I treat them like I WANT TO be treated. I share information and don’t hoard it. The saying, “Information is POWER”, isn’t only true and powerful to/for the person that has it. You gain more power SHARING than you could ever receive by not sharing it. Because it’s true, you REALLY DO “Reap what you sow”.

    Everything I give always comes back to me… In some way, shape, form, or fashion.

    Sharing is the “new Black”. It lets buyers know that you’re thoughtful AND engaged in their process. Sometimes they’re a nervous wreck and need a little extra attention.

    Plus, one man’s $5’s is another man’s $5000.00. Many people take for granted the buyers spending power. You don’t know if a buyer has lots of $5 bills to spend OR if the $5 that he/she just spent with you is there last (until their project starts to generate a little money or until their next payday). I think it’s wise to NEVER assume anything, be patient and kind, promote and track your gigs progress, and GIVE-GIVE-GIVE away more than you’ve given.

    PS My “new thing” is promoting other seller’s gigs that coincide well with mine. Do they ask me to promote their gigs? NO! But even so, I have promoted three (3) other seller’s gigs and all three of them currently have orders from buyers (who will come back for my gig assistance, after they get the help they need from the other seller’s) that I’ve sent to them sitting in their queues right now. None of us can be “all things to all people”. Stay in your lane and do what you do best. Leave what you can’t do to those who can. And, if another seller never is gracious enough to reciprocate and promote your gig(s) - too bad for them. It’s a Universal Law; that just like the Law of Gravity, when you GIVE YOU WILL ALWAYS RECEIVE. Always.

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