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Posts posted by blaisefaint

  1. This Fiverrcast episode may be of interest:


    So I have that and then I have another notebook where I literally track for every single day of the week how many orders I received that day and the reason I do that is because I can basically say, OK, today is Tuesday. Today I normally get about 35 orders but today, I’ve only gotten 22 orders. I can go back through and look at all of my Tuesdays and see when like – when that trend occurred and it’s basically a way for me to keep on track and not drive myself crazy by seeing whether or not I’m getting more orders than normal or less orders than normal.

    I can kind of go through and look at a representative trend. I’m personally very into seeing how I’m performing on a day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year basis. So yeah, paper, pencil, that’s me. I’m really dull. So Adam, what do you do?

    Adam: So I have two elements to mine. I have the tracking of revenues like you’re doing. Then I have the tracking of orders live so to speak. So for the tracking of revenues, what I actually do is each month I go to the revenues page and I export, usually export via CSV the amount cleared inside the previous month.

    Then I put that into an Excel spreadsheet, count it all up and get the summary and then I basically – I don’t cross-reference that from the month before because I understand that there are different trends throughout different times of the year. Like January is normally quieter for me than November, et cetera.

    The bottom line is that different categories have different peaks and valleys throughout the year. The way you market your gigs may also affect your conversions. 

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  2. https://sellers.fiverr.com/en/article/4-things-to-do-before-creating-your-gig

    1. Know Your Value
      Fiverr’s services start at $5.00. Although it can be tempting to offer promotions or discounts so that the orders will start rolling in, offering your work for free is not a recommended approach to connect with sellers. It is important to set your potential buyer’s expectation that your work can’t be obtained for free. It’s essential to know your worth as a seller and not to compromise it in order to attempt attracting buyers.
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  3. Dear Miila:

    I’m sorry, I was just joking.

    I was making fun of the fact that Fiverr has added on so many different ways to do things, that it’s gotten a bit confusing.

    I agree with you 100% that Fiverr needs to address your issue, and I suggest you add it to this thread:

    Fiverrcast Questions

    I also forgot to mention that maybe you should add that to your FAQ and to your pdfs.*

    Mea culpa,


    *Just kidding again!

    P.S. You could also ask M where the Fiverrcast transcripts are, given that they were supposed to be back up by the weekend… 

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  4. ✖️DON’T over-use the fiverr app. While you’re out with friends or family, texting would be considered rude.

    How using the fiverr app would be considered as rude??

    Dear Divy:

    This may be a cultural thing, but in the United States if a man is on a romantic date with a woman, but interrupts their meal and ignores her so he can chat with various people around the world via the Fiverr app, he is likely to find himself singing along to Hank Williams, Sr. *, rather than enjoying her warm embrace.

    Good luck,


    *“Move It On Over” is available for your edification on YouTube.

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