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Posts posted by reikichristy

  1. On 6/1/2023 at 6:25 AM, smashradio said:

    When Fiverr launched its Top Clients verification, I was thrilled. It was an overdue cleanup for a feature exploited by pretenders claiming to be big-league vets. But after seeing two of my star clients chucked off the list (clients I'd done solid work for on Fiverr, mind you, and could prove it with a boatload of completed orders), I've had it up to here with this feature. 

    Jumping through hoops, backtracking orders, wrestling with elusive and generic responses from support and my success manager, who didn't even want to help initially... Fiverr's requirements would be fine if the team looking into it did their job properly. But spending more time on this than I already have? I'm not even gonna bother. They can have my Top Clients. Enough's enough.


    I had a top client removed because the 'third party' verification said is wasn't a global company. The client is in over 200 countries. If that isn't global, I don't know what is!


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