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  1. No I started my account in 2003 perhaps and worked uptill 2009 and then stopped all my gigs as I got a job and i paused all my gigs and after 15 years which is 2024 I tried starting again by creating a new gig as in 15 years I have acquired some new skills but it didn't allow me. So just wanted to clear that not 2019 i stopped but 2009 I paused my gigs and fiverr journey. Anyways I'll wait just want to let you know that fiverr did respond instantly and few days have passed so I'm waiting and I guess there is no other way to wait just wanted to know if they are still working because they are not at all replying and they ended my live chat. If someone is in trouble or there is confusion I would request the fiverr team to keep the live chat atleast open for him. I wonder why the live chat is intentionally abondoned for the people in trouble on freelance platforms. Honestly same is the case with pioneer my card expired and they never let you talk with their live agents through chat. Well finger crossed as the other folks are saying hopefully my problem will be resolved in the next few days. But I'll keep you posted because this forum is the only door open for me at the moment to communicate. So please friends you get along with me until this problem is fixed. I'll avoid sending more messages to fiverr and hope it will be resolved in few days. thanks and best regards, Zeeshan Aslam Durrani
  2. Hi I need your help as fiverr support is not responding to me. I've sent multiple requests. Look I was an active user on fiverr and my last delivery of order was in 2009 and now 15 years have passed i logged into fiverr again and i only had one gig which is paused. Now i want to start working again and as soon as i try creating a new gig the fiverr system says you can make a maximum of 4 gigs. What does that mean and how to start using this account again and create a new gig. I have sent 3 messages on support no reply. I tried accessing live chat and they connected and then disconnected automatically as if I have done some crime. Please tell why I'm in trouble and can't access fiverr or after 5 days why are they not responding. Should i create a new account whats the solution as i want to do work and create a new gig after 15 years of break. The snapshot is attached of orange band with message it gives me that i can create maximum of 4 gigs where as there is just 1 gig in there which is paused. snapshot attached for you. waiting for your sincere advise thank you.
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