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Posts posted by smartpad

  1. I totally understand your frustration with this situation. I had a similar experience once, and it can be really unsettling when you're waiting for your money to come through. Since Payoneer has already confirmed that there was no transaction on their end, it's likely that the issue lies with the Fiverr side of things.

    You've taken the right step by reaching out to Fiverr support. I know their response time can sometimes be slow, but I'd recommend keeping patience and staying persistent. The ticket system might not be the most ideal, but it's the channel they provide for these situations.

    I would suggest continuing to follow up with Fiverr's support team regarding the withdrawal issue. It's their responsibility to investigate and resolve these types of problems. They might need some time to look into it, especially if there's a technical glitch or delay on their end. Keep an eye on your communication with them and make sure to provide any necessary information they might request.

    In the meantime, just hang in there and give them a chance to address the issue. I know waiting can be tough, but hopefully, this will be sorted out soon. Remember, situations like this can happen occasionally, but both Fiverr and Payoneer are reputable platforms, so they should be committed to resolving the problem.

    Stay positive and keep reaching out to Fiverr's customer support for updates. I hope your issue gets resolved swiftly!

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  2. On 8/16/2023 at 7:39 PM, mhd_designer said:

    am so happy to have completed 1100+ orders on Fiverr to date. Looking forward to completing and enjoying many more, I am new here and thankful to whole Fiverr team community. 


    Congratulations, @mhd_designer, on completing over 1100 orders on Fiverr! That's an incredible achievement, and it's clear that your dedication and hard work have paid off. Keep up the fantastic work, and here's to even more success and fulfilling experiences in the future! 🎉👏🚀

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  3. In many online platforms and websites, clicking "not interested" on a particular item or content often indicates to the system that you are not interested in seeing similar content in the future. This action is typically used to tailor the content you see to your preferences. If this functionality works similarly on Fiverr, clicking "not interested" on a brief might influence the types of briefs that are shown to you in the future, potentially reducing the appearance of similar briefs.

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  4. The increasing popularity of no-code and low-code platforms has led to some speculation about the future of web development. Some people believe that these platforms will eventually replace the need for web developers, while others believe that they will simply create new opportunities for web developers to specialize in more complex tasks.

    I'm curious to hear what the Fiverr community thinks about this issue. Do you believe that the increasing popularity of no-code and low-code platforms will have a negative impact on the demand for web developers? Or do you believe that these platforms will simply create new opportunities for web developers to specialize in more complex tasks?

    I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Please feel free to share your comments below.

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  5. To get your Fiverr gig ranked up again, make sure your gig is relevant to your chosen keywords, write a compelling gig description, use high-quality images, encourage positive reviews, and promote your gig on social media and other platforms. Also, use Fiverr's SEO tools, keep your gig up-to-date, respond to buyer messages promptly and professionally, offer competitive prices and discounts, and go above and beyond to meet buyer expectations. By following these tips, you'll increase your chances of attracting more buyers.

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  6. There are many free SEO courses available online that you can check out, including:

    • Yoast SEO Training for Beginners
    • Moz SEO Training
    • HubSpot SEO Training
    • Google Search Central
    • Coursera Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialization

    These courses cover a wide range of SEO topics and are taught by experts in the field. Check them out and see which one works best for you!

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  7. No, changing your gig image on Fiverr will not cause you to lose your gig rank. However, it is important to make sure that your new gig image is high-quality, relevant to your gig, and visually appealing. If you choose an image that is low-quality, irrelevant, or does not catch the eye of potential buyers, it could potentially hurt your gig's ranking.

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  8. It's crucial to avoid making mistakes that can lead to account deactivation. Violating the Fiverr Terms of Service, engaging in fraudulent activities, posting offensive content, failing to deliver on orders, and receiving negative feedback are the top reasons that can result in account deactivation. However, if you believe your account was deactivated in error, you can always contact Fiverr support for assistance.

    To avoid getting your account deactivated, it's important to read and understand the Fiverr Terms of Service, be honest and transparent in your dealings with buyers, deliver on your promises, respond promptly to buyer inquiries, and be respectful of other users. By following these tips, you can increase the chances of keeping your Fiverr account active and in good standing.

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  9. 2 hours ago, architect18 said:


    Hello Fiverr Community,

    As a seller on Fiverr, I have encountered my fair share of buyers who cancel orders frequently. While I understand that Fiverr prioritizes buyer satisfaction, it can be frustrating for sellers who put time and effort into completing orders only for them to be canceled without a valid reason. This not only affects our income but also our completion rate and can lead to a negative impact on our profile. 

    I propose that Fiverr makes it possible for sellers to see a Buyer's Canceled order history on their profile. This will allow sellers to have a better understanding of buyer's reliability and commitment orders before accepting them. Sellers should be able to see both the number of canceled orders and completed projects a buyer has to help them make informed decisions when accepting an order.

     I understand that Fiverr can not force buyers to pay for deliveries they wish to cancel, but making this information visible to sellers will help us better manage our workload and avoid buyers who frequently cancel orders. This will also help maintain a healthy seller-buyer relationship and improve the overall Fiverr experience for everyone.

    Thank you for the time to read this, and I look forward to hearing feedback from the Fiverr community.

    Edit: Spacing between text again :$ I don't know why space between text disappear when I posted it.


     Edit: editforspacingbetweentext

    I completely understand your frustration as a seller on Fiverr. Cancelled orders not only affect our income but also our completion rate, which can lead to a negative impact on our profile. Your proposal to make a buyer's cancelled order history visible to sellers on their profile is a great idea.

    As pointed out by uk1000, sellers with seller plus can already see some information on buyer's activity. However, the completion rate does not necessarily give us the full picture, and it would be great to have more detailed information to make informed decisions when accepting orders.

    I hope Fiverr will consider implementing your proposal. It would help us better manage our workload and avoid buyers who frequently cancel orders, leading to a healthier seller-buyer relationship and a better overall experience on Fiverr.

    Thank you for sharing your idea with the community, and I look forward to seeing more feedback on this topic.

    • Like 8
  10. 13 hours ago, mario_rdz said:

    Well, I don't know what kind of opportunities I will find here if I can't be seen by new possible clients. I could try doing marketing on social media, but if I do that, why would I send people to a platform that charges me 20% when there are some that don't charge me at all?

    I still love Fiverr and want to keep growing here, but the company seems to not value its sellers at all.

    If you can manage to get clients outside Fiverr, that's even better! You'll have more control over your rates, and won't have to worry about Fiverr's 20% fee. However, Fiverr can still be a great option to supplement your income and find new clients.

    I also understand your frustration about Fiverr seeming to prioritize buyers over sellers. It's important to remember that buyers are the ones bringing in the money for Fiverr, so it's natural that they would prioritize their needs. This is especially true when Fiverr already has a lot of freelancers offering similar services. It's a delicate balance, but it's necessary for the platform to succeed.

    In the end, it's up to you to decide whether Fiverr is the right platform for you. But it's always a good idea to diversify your marketing channels and not rely on just one platform.


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  11. On 4/20/2023 at 3:00 AM, mdarif0100 said:

    Fiber has reduced the minimum gig price to $15.
    Can anyone tell me the details of this update

    It's actually "Fiverr", not "Fiber" lol - no worries though, it could just be a typo. Regarding your question, while the minimum gig price has been increased to $15 as you said, I believe you can still choose to price your gig at $5 if you'd like. However, keep in mind that pricing your gig higher actually have some advantages - it can help you stand out as a more experienced and higher-quality seller. Hope that helps!

    • Like 17
  12. 47 minutes ago, shuvosarker933 said:

    I am new on Fiverr. I had two gigs only. But I started receiving messages from buyers. One day I got an order but due to some emergencies the buyer canceled the order and now I am not getting any other messages from buyers. What can I do???

    Sorry to hear that you're facing difficulties in getting orders after the cancellation. It's common for new and even old sellers to experience such challenges, and there could be various reasons behind it, such as not having enough reviews yet or not promoting your gigs on other mediums. Just do not give up and continue delivering quality work. I suggest optimizing your gigs with relevant keywords and offering competitive prices to attract potential buyers. Keep promoting your services and engaging with your audience on Fiverr to build your reputation. I wish you all the best!

    • Like 5
  13. 11 minutes ago, mario_rdz said:

    I'm in the same boat here. It's really frustrating when you work your ass like crazy, think you're moving forward and suddenly Fiverr kills your momentum without disclosing any relevant information at all. This happened to me last week, and it hasn't stopped.

    Now I'm in a dire situation because I had to raise my rates to a recurring client that I've got since my rates were lower, and he didn't accept them. I feel like I no longer can trust Fiverr as a long-term platform as I used to some days ago.


    I understand how frustrating it can be when you feel like you're making progress and then suddenly encounter roadblocks. However, it's important to remember that setbacks are a natural part of any journey. Keep delivering quality work and focusing on building your skills and reputation. While it can be disheartening when a client doesn't accept your new rates, it's important to value your time and expertise. Don't lose faith here just yet - continue to explore opportunities and ways to improve your work. Good luck!

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  14. 6 hours ago, salmana7 said:

    Can you please tell me what msg you are giving in auto reply?

    Hi! Thanks for reaching out to me on Fiverr. I'll be away from this platform for a few hours, but I'll reply to your message as soon as I return. In the meantime, please check out my portfolio to see some of my previous work.

    • Like 7
  15. On 8/14/2022 at 7:34 PM, Logo Maker Team said:

    When designing a monogram for the Logo Maker the logo must be a 1 letter monogram. The reason we support only 1 letter monograms is because the businesses checking the logo maker are not likely to have the exact combination of initials as you’ve designed. We want to get your logo the highest selling potential and that can only be achieved by accommodating as many businesses as possible. Choosing to do one letter is safer than many combinations. 

    I think it makes sense to limit the monogram to one letter for the Logo Maker. It's a smart move to accommodate a wider range of potential customers.

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  16. On 4/13/2023 at 1:03 AM, bunbatam said:

    Since I'm not so good in singing, I find a singer here to do so. Say it's done for 30-180 second vocal track and I mixed it. Do I have the right to publish that in youtube? If so, do I have to pay more if the song become popular? 

    The best person to ask for that information would be your seller. However, there is still a risk involved if the seller is not using original components of the song. Therefore, it is your responsibility to inquire about the originality of the components before making a purchase.

    • Like 3
  17. 1 hour ago, sunboatrecords said:

    Auto-replies do not count towards response rate.

    You still have to message the buyer within 24 hours.

    Their use is for letting them know that you are not available and will get back to them within a certain time frame.

    I am also thinking about this. But I'm using the auto reply and it's good.

    • Like 11
  18. 11 hours ago, sultana_web said:

    I don’t know why I see when I go for login on my mail it’s told me to dowland your data. I can't login with this mail also on fiverr.  Please help me how can I fix the issue.

    I recommend you reach out for support when you encounter issues like this. Don't hesitate to contact the relevant support teams for assistance with login and account problems.

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  19. 8 hours ago, calumbax said:

    That's probably a fair point, although it's an important factor which I think sellers should be informed of. If you need to run the promotion for x amount of time before you're likely to make a sale directly through it, then it's a question of if you have the upfront capital to spend on that. Depending on a seller's price, and average sales, it could cut into an already thin margin.

    Correct. That is why constant monitoring is crucial to ensure that a promotion or marketing campaign is generating the desired results. It allows for timely adjustments and prevents unnecessary spending of resources. Ignoring the need for monitoring can have a negative impact on profitability and success.

    • Like 6
  20. 4 hours ago, siridhata said:

    So yesterday I checked to renew my Seller Plus subscription but found out that I am no longer eligible to use the program. When I searched the words & phrases that are part of my gig title and keywords my gig doesn't even show up in all 20 pages. No wonder my gig impressions are only in the 100s for days now which is very concerning. So I tried reaching out to the support team and they told me there are many factors that determine the position of my gig, such as overall performance, ratings, number of completed orders. Most of us already know this. But what's bothering me is my scores are flawless in those factors. So I asked why I'm no longer eligible to use the Seller Plus program and a different person from the team said that the cause is related to "additional internal factors" and these are classified.

    It can be frustrating when there are undisclosed factors affecting your business. It's important to keep striving for excellence in the areas you can control, but it's also okay to recognize that some things may be out of your hands.

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  21. 33 minutes ago, leannelrivers said:

    Buyer Requests has been replaced with Buyer Briefs. Now buyers are matched to specific sellers based on the details of the clients brief. There no job page anymore. If you get a brief match you'll be notified. 

    The new Buyer Briefs feature is a more personalized way of connecting buyers and sellers on the platform. It eliminates the need for sifting through job postings and enables targeted communication between the parties involved. The notification system for brief matches is a useful addition for sellers.

    • Like 14
  22. On 3/9/2022 at 1:18 AM, mjensen415 said:

    We stand in solidarity with Ukraine and want to support Ukrainian freelancers on Fiverr who are able to and want to work during these extremely difficult times. 

    It's great to see Fiverr taking a stand in support of Ukrainian freelancers during tough times. Solidarity can go a long way in making a positive impact on people's lives, and this is a wonderful initiative!

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  23. Listening to music while working can be advantageous as it can help block out distracting background noise, reduce stress and anxiety, provide inspiration and motivation, and make tedious tasks more enjoyable. However, it can also be disadvantageous if the music is too loud or distracting, contains lyrics that require more cognitive processing, the individual is not used to it, or if the work environment is not conducive to it. It is important to find a balance that works best for each individual and their work environment. For me, I love listening to slow rock or love songs. Sometimes, I also listen to instrumentals 😀

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