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Posts posted by cabcom

  1. I recently had the most unfortunate experience where my online accounts got hacked, including my fiverr. It’s hard to tell which was the primary target, but my greatest lost was with fiverr. The perpetrator had changed a lot without me even realizing it, as he had also closed down my yahoo mail account.

    I realized that the email on my account was changed, a payoneer card added, and also paypal email was changed. None of these notifications came to me, so I was very unaware of the changes. It was through a careful look at all the elements of my account did I realize that something was amiss.

    The next step would be to contact fiverr. I also did a google search to see if I could get any tips on what to do, but came up blank…just a bunch of people with similar experiences who had closed their accounts and moved on. My attempts to contact fiverr was futile, as the support form asked for details about the account which would have been changed, and any reply would be going to the hackers email. I subsequently deactivated my account, will all intention to move forward and never look back. I had lost over $200.

    The Steps That Did Work

    Thankfully, I had some very smart friends who made a really good suggestion. I used one of my other email addresses and open a new fiverr account. From this account, I sent a message to fiverr support outlining what had happened. They sent me a list of things I needed to send to submit to verify that I was indeed the owner of the hacked account. Once I submitted this information, they started the recovery process changing the email logging, paypal info, etc and all was recovered, except the stolen money. They even restored all the gigs that the hacker had deleted from my account.

    I was very pleased with fiverr’s response to this issue, and hope this will help others in a similar situation. If you know this, you will also be able to stop the hacker on the same day your account is compromised.

    I will keep the other account info, just in case I ever need it again in the future. In essence, you probably need to create another basic account with fiverr with another email address that you can use in case of such emergency.

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