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Posts posted by mikevann

  1. If you have done an order with a buyer, you can click on their username, then when it takes you to their profile, underneath their profile image, it will say "block." Click on this and you can block them and add the reason why. There are 4 options:

    "Abusive and/or inappropriate behavior"

    "I don't provide the requested service"

    "Previous negative work experience"



    And, if they have been harassing you, report them to Fiverr support. 

    Buyers and sellers alike should always behave professionally on the platform.

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  2. For the Order Requirements, we have a couple of feature requests.

    One would be to allow some conditional logic to the form like most other form builders online have. For instance, we have a question asking buyers if they bought our scriptwriting service or not, then a couple of the proceeding questions have to do with some buyers who have and some who have not bought the scripts. It would be great to only show certain questions to buyers who answer questions a certain way. 

    Another feature we would love to see (again, that most online form builders have) is the ability to add file type and size requirements to file uploads on the order requirements. For instance, we require buyers to upload a logo file for us to use in the video. However, about 50% of the time, the buyer uploads something else (not a logo file) or uploads something too small that we cannot use. If we were able to, say, choose to only have buyers be able to upload PNG or AI files for the logos that must be more than 200KB, then it would make our lives a whole lot easier. Basically, we love the gig requirements to gather info but we feel that compared to a lot of features that form builders have had for years, the Order Requirements form should have some of those features too.



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  3. Almost 100% of my orders are done through custom offers. A lot of the time, I have to do my own line items to show what their quote includes. I think it would be a great idea to add line item areas to the custom offer to make it look more like a standard quote, similar to how they look for milestone quotes. This way, the buyer can see exactly what they are getting and for how much, instead of just a paragraph explaining it to them. This also helps the seller so if there aren’t any miscommunications as to what the seller is providing it can look more like a normal quote on the buyer’s end. See attached are mockups of what it could look like.



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  4. Recently, it seems like buyers have been continually “abusing” the revision request feature. Buyers are continually requesting revisions for projects that they originally approved the scope of work for. Sometimes, we get buyers that either abuse the revision request system by simply doing a “revision request” and saying that they need longer than 3 days to review the deliverables or the buyer sends us one revision request that was outside our original agreed scope of work, but we try to over-deliver and do the revision free of charge anyway, just to make them happy. However, in most of these cases, what ends up happening is when they see us do this one revision, they figure that since we did the one revisions without charging extra, we can do more revisions (again, that are outside the original scope of work) free of charge as well. If we let them know that it would be an additional fee, they usually end up arguing with us, since we did the original one free of charge, even though we did exactly what was promised on the original scope of work. These are common occurrences and believe the “revision request” feature needs some additional features so the sellers feel better protected from buyers abusing the revision request feature.

    Because with the Fiverr gigs and when sending custom offers, sellers can put the amount of revisions they offer, I think Fiverr should implement a system that allows buyers to have to stick to this number of revisions and if they would like more revisions, past the amount that was included in the order, then they would have to add additional revisions for an set cost. This way, not only would buyers be more thorough when requesting revisions, it would also benefit sellers by not having to argue with buyers about the number of revisions they still have and allowing orders to be marked as complete faster for sellers, since if buyers have to pay for more revisions, they may be ok with the work delivered (that is the work that was originally agreed on anyway).

    For instance, we put on our gig page that offer 1 revision with our gigs. So, if a buyer wants a revision, if a new revision request system like this was implemented, we would expect them to be thorough and include all their revisions they need in one request before submitting. Then, once we re-deliver the order, per their revisions, they would have the option to either mark the order a complete or purchase more revisions. Of course, they can still message us asking about revisions, but if this system would be implemented, the buyer would know that they would need to purchase additional revisions if they would like additional work done.

    I’m not sure if this would be possible to implement for certain tiers (like Pro or TOS) and not others, or if it would have to be across the board. But, with us at least, since we have done so many projects, we know the approximate cost for average revisions, so we would usually not need to do manual pricing on revisions. 

    I know that Fiverr has been pushing the “Offer the buyer additional revisions” feature lately through the resolution center, which we have used, but that does not really solve the problem, since buyers can simply deny the offer and the same things continue to happen.

    Attached are mockups of what this could look like on the buyer’s end for an order. As you can see, when the order is delivered, they are given 2 choices, to complete the order or to request revisions. Underneath the “request revisions” there is a “revisions remaining” to show how many revisions they have (or have left) per the gig order or custom offer that was ordered. Also is another mockup of what it could look like when they click the “request revisions” button when they do not have any revisions left. These are just rough mockups to give a better visual idea of what we are talking about.

    We did not include a mockup for this, but the other thing that would be great is if the buyer has 1 revision left, then when they put in the request, before hitting “submit” a notification or something tells them something like “this is your last included revision. Please be as detailed as possible, since additional revisions will cost additional fees…” or something like that. This way, the buyer can put everything they need instead of doing the back and forth thing for weeks, like I explained above.



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  5. It would be great when buyers submit revision requests, they are given individual rows and fields to input their requests, so one request per row/field. Similar to how with milestones, there are different rows and fields for the milestones and you can add more rows and fields if you have more milestones you need to add.

    This way, it can be more organized when the revision requests are delivered to the seller, rather than the revision requests just being sent as a long, run-on sentence (which is what most buyers send). It would also be helpful if the fields showed up as a checklist on the seller’s end and could be something the seller could check off on their end (which does not necessarily have to be viewable by the buyer, but similar to how the “star” feature works on the “manage orders” page so that the seller can possibly keep track of the revisions they are working on for the order. Or, it can be visible to the buyer so that the buyer can see what revisions have been done.

    Attached is how it usually looks and attached is a very rough mockup of how it could look.



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  6. For the Fiverr messaging system: sometimes, when replying to messages, we accidentally press send too early and then have to do a follow-up message, instead of saying everything in one message as we would like, or we make a small mistake when typing, then have to follow-up with the correction.

    It would be great to have an “undo send” feature so that we can undo a sent message up to 5 or 10 seconds after sending. Gmail has this feature, in case you want to look more into it: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/2819488?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

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  7. Sorry in advance for the long post, but I wanted to share our thoughts about the current “Delivery Extension” system that is currently on Fiverr on the seller’s end and how it should be improved. Attached is a screenshot from a current order that prompted me to post this.

    Recently, our “On-Time Delivery” stat hovers around the low 90% range and we have worked hard to keep all our (other) stats at or above 90%. However, in the past few months, buyers have been extremely unavailable or extremely unresponsive regarding their orders. 

    With the orders we do, it normally REQUIRES responses from the buyers to move forward. Usually, we would send an order delivery extension if we had not been hearing back. Recently, we have had to send multiples of these, since we would not hear back for a week or two and the delivery extension requests would expire. 

    Then, when the buyer is finally online for the first time in weeks, if they do send us what we need to move forward, we try to catch them while they are online and send them a new delivery extension request for them to approve, since the ones we already sent would be expired. However, they normally become unresponsive again and the delivery extension expires, again.

    Then, we would finish their order and send them more delivery extension requests, so that we would not be penalized for a late delivery due to their unresponsiveness, but again, would never hear back. 

    So, with many orders over the past few months, we faced a hard dilemma, where we could either wait, let the order hang indefinitely, and hope the buyer would be online to see and approve the delivery extension request while it is active, or we would have to deliver their order and just take the hit and it is deemed a “late delivery.” 

    This put us in a hard position since we are a business and we pay our staff, so needing to wait weeks and sometimes months for an unresponsive buyer really hurts us when it comes to trying to coordinate our cashflow, based on the orders we have. 

    Since so many buyers are unresponsive lately, we have had to make the hard decision to deliver their projects and take the “late delivery” hit on our account, so we could get the revenue for the order and so we would not have to wait weeks or months until the buyer gets back to us, that is, if they got back to us at all. 

    Since Fiverr is starting to test allowing buyers to add additional time to their orders to review deliveries, I think it would be fair to make it so that if sellers send a delivery extension request, rather than the delivery extension getting withdrawn after 2 days, it should automatically be accepted after 2 days. This way, if a seller has a completely unresponsive buyer and the seller is ready to deliver or wants/needs to wait longer for them to respond, the seller is not penalized for this, and this way the buyer still has a chance to “decline” the delivery extension if they don’t want to extend. Otherwise, I think it should automatically be extended if there is no response from the buyer. This would make it so the seller does not have to indefinitely wait and essentially put the order on indefinite hold or take a “late delivery” hit on our account so we can deliver the order by no fault of their own.

    I also want Fiverr to be aware of the situation that most of the sellers (like myself) are in where we face this issue. I know that Fiverr prides itself in having a lot of gigs that can be done with on-person teams, but we offer specialized and custom services that require a number of people involved. Our Success Manager has let us know how important it is to keep our ratings, and we work hard to get everything at 100% (or at least in the high 90 percents) and maintain those stats. But, our in-time delivery stats drop due to the situation I explained. 


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  8. I agree with everyone that this should be a process which must be agreed upon by both buyer and seller. We would be fine allowing additional days for the buyer to review the deliveries with good reason, but I don't think they should just be able to do so whenever they want. This should be done through the resolution center.

    If this has to be a new thing, one suggestion would be to base the review time on the buyer's profile/account settings. We work with a lot of businesses that have “working hours” so they can rarely review work over the weekends. I think that for certain levels of buyers or buyers that are actual companies, it would be great to be able to put “working days” so maybe the 3 days only count on work days rather than just allowing the buyer to continually extend the review time?



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