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[ADVICE] Client never get satisfied



I had this client who told me that the previous sellers he gave the work to were inexperienced and only trying to get money from him but he was able to cancel the order. He showed me the work they did which is obviously not good enough.


Right now, I am working on his project but he just won't get satisfied with the final delivery and he's hinting on getting the order canceled already.


I need advice on what to do, I have contacted support bit it seems like I will not get a quick response. Is it OK if I cancel the order before I get a responsefrom supportor just wait for supportto check things out?


I can't afford to cancel an order as my success score is at 7 and I'm a level two seller but at the same time, it's useless to keep trying when you are not getting any where with what client wants. Hopefully, I can make a cancelation without this affecting my success score.


To better understand the project, client need design and development of their brand website. We are stucked at product design which is the first thing I'm supposed to do out of all 3



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