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The Lockdown Horror Writer Looking For A Comeback!

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Greeting Fiverr Fiends - I mean Friends! 👻

It feels so good to be back!

I originally joined Fiverr many years ago while I was still studying at university, and nothing ever came of it. My account just sat there, dormant and unnoticed, sinking further and further into the depths of Fiverr obscurity...

Until the COVID lockdown.

Brought to life, like a virtual Frankenstein's monster, my horror writing gig suddenly took off and I had a whole batch of clients: from content creators from YouTube and TikTok looking to get their stories narrated or animated, to thrill-seekers simply after a story for themselves or as a gift to a loved one!

I think I can honestly say this was the best few months of my life. I was doing what I loved most: writing, and writing horror stories at that. At my peak, worked up into such an excitable frenzy, I was hitting 10,000 words per day.

It was short-lived, however, as soon the world opened back up and I had to get back to work and was unable to meet the demand of these fiendishly fantastic friends I'd made. My gig once more shrivelled and died.

But now I'm back. Resurrected once more. Four years on, and I want to re-introduce myself and my gig to the Fiverr world. I want to feel that thrill again of helping people to turn their ideas into a frightening reality.

But where to start, and how to get back to that place... that is the question.

I will write your horror story idea

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