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Orders, visibility, analytics dropped since the new level system update

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Hello, as the title says, basically my seller profile and gigs have been completely invisible to the buyers since the new level system update. No orders, no messages, no displays, nothing. Plus, I was demoted to Level 0 with lots of positive reviews, earnings, orders, etc.. I am so disappointed.
I am at my wits end literally and thinking of leaving Fiverr to be honest.

Does anyone else experience the same or know any solution?

(sorry if this was posted before, I am too tired and frustrated to search the forums)

Edited by absynthemoon
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  • absynthemoon changed the title to Orders, visibility, analytics dropped since the new level system update
5 hours ago, absynthemoon said:

Hello, as the title says, basically my seller profile and gigs have been completely invisible to the buyers since the new level system update. No orders, no messages, no displays, nothing. Plus, I was demoted to Level 0 with lots of positive reviews, earnings, orders, etc.. I am so disappointed.
I am at my wits end literally and thinking of leaving Fiverr to be honest.

Does anyone else experience the same or know any solution?

(sorry if this was posted before, I am too tired and frustrated to search the forums)

You are not alone, almost every other person is having complains since start of new score system.

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