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Buyer Cancels After Delivery - Customer Support Keeps Closing My Tickets With No Resolve



I'm at a loss and would like any advice from anyone who has experienced this issue. 

I have recently delivered a gig (1 hour zoom call discussing Facebook Advertising Strategy and Campaigns tailored to the buyer) and in my mind it went really well and the buyer got a lot out of it. One day after delivery, I got a cancellation request from the buyer saying my work was poor and he didn't receive any value. This truly was shocking to me and felt like myself and Fiverr were being scammed. 

I reached out to support and was met with the message that they couldn't do anything if a buyer doesn't accept but to try to compromise with the buyer or persuade them to accept. This obviously didn't work, after declining the cancellation, the buyer re-submitted the cancellation request. I then look to Customer Support to help, but they closed my ticket stating, "This ticket was closed because it has been merged with an open ticket related to the same request." This ticket I have no access to or may see what is happening. 

In all honesty I do not care about the revenue ($55 USD) and would like this to just all go away; but the fact that this will affect my order completion rate just irks me. 

Has anyone been in this situation before where the buyer cancels after delivery in which the gig was completed 100% to the gig standards? 

Thanks everyone.

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Update to whoever needs to see this --> 

1. Ask buyer to mutually cancel the order

2. If they agree, go to customer support and open a ticket

3. In ticket, tell them you and the buyer both accept the mutual cancellation and ask Customer Support to cancel the order. 

4. Customer Support will most likely cancel the order if you have tried to bargain with the buyer, stated that you have completed the gig 100%, and there is no other way to buyer will budge and accept.

5. Hopefully Customer Support will cancel the order THUS not affecting your order completion rate. 

Good luck to whoever needs this, it really sucks. 


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