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Client satisfaction score



Hey, I'm wondering how to improve my client satisfaction score. I have a perfect 5-star rating on all my orders and never had any issues with any buyer. Yet, I was stuck on 8/10 success score for a while and even dropped to 7/10 just recently, while having only positive feedback and even getting tips from most of my customers. Success score is the only area that I'm missing to get into top-rated, but I have no idea how to effectively improve it, as I don't really feel like there are any problems.

I do music and songwriting. I'm not sure if it has any effect, but my gig options are rather expensive and take longer time to complete (compared to other sellers in my area), but that's because I really focus on high quality and dedicate a lot of time to each order and basically I don't offer any cheap alternatives (people opt for the max quality 99% time anyway). 

Do you have any tips on how to achieve any improvements in client satisfaction?



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