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Canceling an order with the new success score





Just wanted to ask about order cancelation with the new success score, on the old order compilation rate system you could contact support if the buyer made the order by mistake and you didn't do anything wrong so they remove the effect of the cancelation from your rates, but now when buyer ordered the wrong gig and i contacted the support to do the same they told me that "With our new Level System and Success Score metric, OCR is no longer one of the important stand-alone metrics that affect your level standing, nor is it a statistic highlighted in your account. With the new Order Cancelations key area, we now have a smarter, more complex indicator that considers various metrics around order cancelation. While cancelations have an effect, it is only one of many metrics that your success score takes into account" So how should i avoid taking the hit from the cancelation now if it is not my fault if the support won't help doing this? or is it not as important a thing as it was before?

Thank you!

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