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"The action failed to authenticate." Problems adding withdrawal method. 


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I want to withdraw my earnings for the first time. I have tried adding a PayPal account and bank account, I receive and enter the sms verification code and then when I click on the link in the email I get my profile page with a red bar across the top saying "the action failed to authenticate. Please try again. If the problem persists, contact support here"

I have tried it on multiple browsers on multiple devices, cleared cache etc. and still get the same error message. Since over 3 weeks I am writing with fiverr customer support who has not been helpfull. 

Any ideas of what I can do? Thanks.

error message.jpg

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8 hours ago, vickieito said:

I started writing with the support on 01. of August, since then no solution was provided. Their last message was "I'll need to check back with our technical team on this." is now 8 days old with no reaction. https://fiverr.zendesk.com/hc/de/requests/7967776

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Have you tried setting up a Payoneer account? 

I had a similar situation when I couldn't make a withdrawal from PayPal and Customer Support couldn't help me. I had to set up Payoneer to access my funds. Now I use both because if PayPal doesn't work, usually Payoneer will.

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27 minutes ago, shahzaibkhan773 said:

The action failed to authenticate. Please try again. If the error persists, contact customer support here.

Have you contacted Fiverr Support like the error says?

If not, then contact them because Fiverr Support is the one who can help you in resolving your issue.

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I have the same issue for almost 3months now I have been on this issue, customer support failed to respond to my ticket.

I have funds looking unuseful in my account, I don't know if fiverr is work towards solving this problem.

Edited by techhub3230
typography error
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