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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. They are doing the right thing by closing your tickets. Why are you sending new tickets on the same issue when you already have created it? If you keep doing that, then forget it, you won't be responded. You should wait and be patient. Fiverr Support is not worst.. it's you who is doing wrong.. so wait for their response on the ticket which is already "Open".
  2. What's wrong with 4.9* reviews (overall)? Why are you so obsessed with 5.0*? 4.9* is still the best.
  3. Follow the guidelines set by Fiverr and create a new gig again. What else you can do?
  4. Sorry to say but how did it work for you when you have made 4 sales yet on Fiverr since February 2024? You know what's funny thing on your profile? You have made 2 gigs with the same gig descriptions yet you are talking about gig optimization? I will encourage you to learn the word "optimization" first. If you know it, then you should have implemented on your gigs first. Not every problem has the solution of "Optimization".
  5. Don't try to become a Robot please. Staying online has nothing to do with anything. You can install Fiverr App on your phone in order to check notifications etc.
  6. smartdezigns

    Level System

    All credits goes to Private Reviews as it has a lot of weightage than the public reviews. You are getting 5* public reviews then it does not mean that your private reviews will be good too. Also, you don't know what reviews (private) you're getting. No one knows the exact answer on how to improve success scores. But for that, you can read the following article: Link: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/success-score-explained Source: fiverr.com - Fiverr Help Center > Selling on Fiverr > Statistics & seller dashboards
  7. If your gig has an ability or potential to grab a buyer's attention then there is no need to promote your gigs via Social Media Marketing or any other medium.
  8. Contact Fiverr Support via Email: support@fiverr.com Send a Ticket to them: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets
  9. First: Stop posting your questions here and there 🙏 Second: Better to create one thread/topic on your own and post your all questions there. It's annoying to see your questions in every other topic. Please avoid it.
  10. Why are you posting your questions in an irrelevant thread? Avoid it. About your question: Have you ever tried to use the search bar on the Forum to find the right answers for your question?? Kindly explore the Forum. This question has already been answered million times.
  11. Question is: Why do you want to ask this question from your buyer? Does it bother you that he/she has chosen you for his/her projects? I will highly encourage you to not ask this question. If any buyer has chosen you then isn't it a good thing? Else your buyer might disappear.
  12. Hold on.. Why are you blaming Fiverr for everything mainly because of your 1 cancelled order with its review? Did you even read your buyer's review carefully? Wanted to know: Whatever that buyer has said is actually a lie? See an inserted image below: I am sorry but it looks like that you need to improve your communication skills further. Also, change your English language level from Native to Fluent. Don't feel discouraged because of that cancelled order. You are already getting orders these days then hopefully your metrics will be better soon. Keep delivering quality services. Fiverr cares about their sellers too if their case is really strong. If you think Fiverr does not care about its sellers then you're totally wrong. If your order got cancelled then it's the Fiverr's loss too as the fund was transferred back to the buyer. Did you contact Fiverr Support regarding it? You must have a solid proof/evidence that you did the right work. Good Luck!
  13. Please elaborate: What does gig favorite number has to do with the impressions and gigs? Aren't you an Experienced Digital Marketer according to your profile description? If you are then use your expertise for your own gigs too. Also, you have not added some of your previous work via gig galleries which is why you are not getting more clicks and impressions. Improve your gig gallery i.e. mainly primary gig image. For that, you can do research on Fiverr. You have created 1 gig for both FB and IG ads campaign but in the gig image, you have mentioned only FB Ads Campaign? Create a gig properly.
  14. They are scam buyers who are getting banned by Fiverr. So don't worry about it. Do not click on the suspicious link sent by any buyer, avoid providing/sharing your personal and payment details to anyone on Fiverr. Also, do not scan QR code. They are scammers. Be careful.
  15. If you keep sending new tickets then obviously you won't be responded. And they have already responded to your tickets so it means your flagged account issue is permanent. Avoid sending tickets to them anymore as the issue won't be fixed Sorry for that.
  16. If your gig impressions are not increasing with the passage of time, then it means your gig is not performing well. Hence, you need to optimize your gigs i.e. improve gig galleries as they are not attractive. Social media marketing won't help you in getting orders because your buyers are on main platform (Fiverr) so buyers will find you on their own. Do some research regarding your niche on Fiverr and observe how other sellers are offering their services. You are offering unlimited revisions for $5 which is not a right thing to do. Scammers will target you the most if you do that. You can offer that later once you start getting orders and performing well.
  17. Sorry to say but why are you using a fake picture? Don't do that else your account might get in trouble. Change it and use your own picture. Proof: https://www.istockphoto.com/photo/beautiful-blonde-woman-cwith-laptop-computer-sits-in-armchair-gm1203418296-345877569?searchscope=image%2Cfilm You have 5 years of experience according to your personal description then why haven't you shown some of your previous work via Gig Galleries? Your gig galleries are not good enough to attract buyer's attention that's why you are not getting impressions You have chosen a highly competitive niche so competition is super tough. Do some research first regarding your niche on Fiverr first. You are a Digital Marketer too so I'll encourage you to use your expertise for your own gigs too.
  18. Yes. According to new level system, now new sellers are allowed to have 4 active gigs.
  19. This is the reason your Payoneer account has been disabled from Fiverr as well. So I guess you don't have any other option anymore. It would be better if you contact Fiverr Support and ask for the solution.
  20. Kindly read the following threads:
  21. You have already been guided by one of the experienced Pro Seller/TRS here: Kindly follow those advices..
  22. Only solution for you is to contact Fiverr Support and ask for the clear explanation regarding your issue. No one on the Forum can help you with it.
  23. Delected or Deleted? If it's deleted then it's gone. You will have to create it again from the scratch.
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