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Everything posted by smartdezigns

  1. Hi too Answer - 1st Question: Born in Pakistan so our native language is Urdu. How did I learn English: Hmm via several mediums I can say: Academic Institutions (English Medium's School, College & University) English Newspaper and Novels/Books English Movies/TV Shows Communication with Mom at Home/Outside too Answer - 2nd Question: Apart from Urdu and English, I know Punjabi and Hindi because Hindi is sort of similar to Urdu.
  2. smartdezigns


    How poor strategy are you gonna play? Do you think Fiverr works like this way? 🤦‍♀️ Please elaborate these: "I will proofread your writing piece and do creating writing" and "I will translate from english to urdu or hindi or pashto and vice versa" Are you sure that your English is good enough to do these? Gig: I will convert word to pdf (Well everyone can do this easily so better to remove this gig and learn more skills) 🙏 breals is right that you need to work on your gigs.
  3. Well be ready for a warning for whatever you did! But what if it happens next time too? Will you consider that a mistake too? Anyhow, Good Luck!
  4. Hello too Why are you trying to find shortcuts to get 2 more orders so that you can become a Level 2 Seller? Can't you wait till next month's evaluation i.e. January 2023. Be fair! Turn on the Briefs and Set the Price. That is the another option for you! Why would you do work of $100 for $5? You are just trying to lose value of your gigs and your work too by doing this! And it's EVALUATION.. Not revolution 🤦‍♀️ Be patient and work on your gigs along with Get Briefs feature!
  5. Tell about yourself too! Well, yes, I am getting Orders!! 😁
  6. So that I can utilize my skills professionally and become independent too! (Achieved both goals but there is always a room for further improvement - skills) on which I am still working on!!
  7. Hello Have you enabled the Get Briefs feature and set the price? If yes, play with the different prices until you get the matched job! It's a tricky feature! Just checked your profile: In one of your gig, you have mentioned "WE", while in other gigs, you have mentioned "I" in the gig descriptions. Why is that? Also, you have copied the content from Google? It would be better to reword it or use your own words (content).. P.S. You just need to work on your gigs. Improve them!
  8. Hi too. I am facing the same issue but be patient because this is the new layout for Earnings Page and it's still in-progress.. Also, it has been released to few sellers so it will take time! Your earnings will be still there (might appear later - don't worry) Read this Article: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/9234443621137-Welcome-to-the-new-Earnings-page?segment=seller
  9. Main category is permanent so she cant change it but can change sub category Well if you have not gotten any order, then why dont you delete this gig and create a new one? Just asking.. Shorten the title then but use full words
  10. One Advice: Start Reading 1000000000+ Topics in the Forum and you will have your answers! 🤦‍♀️
  11. Like the same way you check other seller's profile! No. He (Andy) was absolutely right because you were ignoring all the rules and facts stated by "catwriter". So it's up to you now! Because we have guided you and even gave you advices. So from now on, you'll be on your own!! 🤷‍♀️
  12. Actually you made a mistake. Your title does not seems to be right. You should have mentioned "Social Media" instead of "SM". Fiverr might have considered your SM as SMS so your gig was added into SMS Marketing category because your gig title had SM word in it. But my question is: Why did you use SM (short form of Social Media).. What's wrong in using "Social Media"?
  13. Hello too. You have already assumed which was right means its a SCAM. Block that buyer as you cannot do these things outside the Fiverr (it is a violation of rules to deal everything outside Fiverr)
  14. Why do you want to create more gigs and new account? Are all of your gigs performing well? Can't you wait until you become a Level 2 Seller as that level has a benefit of creating 20 gigs? It would be better to focus on your current gigs and work with them till you become a Level 2 Seller.. P.S. Checked your profile. You have created almost all of your gigs for Slideshow? Can't you create 1 gig for Slideshow and mention in the description that you provide slideshow services for this and that (wedding, birthday etc)..
  15. Hello Please read this article: https://www.fiverr.com/levels Hope you'll get your answer! P.S. You have no level badge so you are allowed to create 7 gigs only!
  16. If you have edited then it will take 2-3 days to appear in search results so wait for it!
  17. I have no dream PC. I just purchased a new laptop on 18th August 2022 i.e. Dell Inspiron 15 3000 (i7 with 1TB SSD and 16GB RAM) after 6 years! Worth the Investment!!
  18. It's because Buyer Requests have been discontinued. New feature i.e. Get Briefs has been launched so you need to enable it and work with it
  19. It's alright and Yes, I have been on Fiverr since 2014.. but I will still recommend you to browse the topics in the forums related to your query! Hope you will get the right answers! Good Luck
  20. Play with the different prices until you get the right job. It's a tricky feature but you have to experiment it.
  21. Why should he delete the gig and create a new one? Any specific reason? Can't he change the prices instead of deleting the gigs? Wrong Advice! Well you can change the prices if your gig is not performing well. No worries. To make your gig effective, you need to do changes in the gig. Good Luck
  22. Wait till next miracle happens! 🤦‍♀️ It would be much better if you start browsing the topics in the forum that might be helpful for you. 😬🤷‍♀️
  23. Did you browse the Topics in the Forum? Because this question has already been asked by other member. Why posting the same question again. It would be better if you browse the topics first before posting your question! Anyhow, to your question, Within 1 Week, I got a direct order without Buyer Requests.
  24. Nothing good about Winters. It always brings back my Cough Allergy (Dr. said it's Asthma not cough allergy 🤷‍♀️) no matter how much I take care of myself to prevent it. It's been 7 years now and still I am facing this (currently having it too ☹️ ). So I think Summer season seems good to me as compared to Winters. Secondly, in Winters, we cannot travel to Northern Areas for vacations because of land-sliding and heavy snowfall. So Summers for me! ✌️ Only 2 Pros of Winters: 1. Warm Cup of Coffee 2. Can wear Jeans easily with half boots 🤦‍♀️
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