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  1. I will prioritize client satisfaction, if I receive a client some day 😁
  2. The must be spamming in some manner. So Fiverr blocked him before he can harm you.
  3. Currently, I have 3 Fiverr Gigs at the starting of placing my gigs I received many impressions. After 10 or 15 days its started dropping and past 1 month I believe Fiverr algorithm is dropping my rankings. Been through many posts in this Fiverr community, implemented a lot of suggestions, changed Gig image because I was receiving impressions and then it was still dropping then I changed Gig image still no changes. Added a portfolio project so that I can showcase my experience, reduced the price, optimized gig description. and still nothing happened. No Clicks!. I think my profile is not new it was registered way back in 2021 but now I am active with 3 of my gigs. Don't know what I am missing?
  4. Ok, it has been a month still no result. After going through this article tweaked a lot of stuff like Gig Image, Meta Title, price, packaging options and adding portfolio. Still no result on the contrary my impressions are dropping.
  5. How do you find the keywords? There is one method that is placing a key term in search bar and suggestions will appear. Is there any other way?
  6. A job yes, want to try freelancing too.
  7. Recently, my mail box received a ping turned out it was a spam and Fiverr's spam detection blocked it. It killed all the excitement.
  8. True, you are making a point that a profile and a gig should be in synergy and speak the same thing. But many new seller like me gets troubled on seeing a good number of Impression on a gig but no clicks.
  9. Haven't found any, on searching "fiverr boost" it is taking me to this thread.
  10. What is this boost? Please further explain.
  11. On your point no 1, I have a question. What variable plays more significance for the buyer to make decision, like your display picture, Gig Images, Gig Description, your personal qualifications, languages you know, or any other things for a new seller?
  12. Go to your Google Search Console. Check Your Image search keywords and impression. But don't you stop there see your crawling and indexing reports of your image URLs.
  13. Those are now free plugins, they are freenium per se. Although, limited features of those plugins can give you the required advantage in seo.
  14. I can't, although what I have observed from other gigs in competition, they offer additional service in their description.
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