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  1. Hey there, I am reaching out here because fiverr it's been 4 days and fiverr didn't respond to my query yet. Dear Fiverr Support Team, I want to clarify that I am indeed a real person and have not used any false or misleading information to create or manage my Fiverr account. I have also submitted my Identity document along with live selfie before and it got confirmed at that time. I understand the importance of maintaining a secure and trustworthy platform for all users. To resolve any doubts regarding my identity, I am more than willing to provide any necessary documents or undergo further verification to confirm my authenticity or even if you want me to verify my identity manually like through a video call or something I'll do that too to prove my identity, I think this is a technical error from your system so do let me know what can I do to prove my identity. My goal is to demonstrate my commitment to Fiverr’s standards of honesty and professionalism. Moreover my account was hacked a couple of months ago, I contacted fiverr and they asked me to do a identity verification. So I submitted the document and my ID was confirmed by you. I am also attaching the screenshots of it you can clearly see the date on it. Also I was going through your "Fiverr forums" where I read that many of accounts were flagged because of using different IP locations, just to make it clear I live in Pakistan and the reason for different multiple IP locations is that the wifi I use in my home and Sim data I use outside my home have different IP. Because here in Pakistan all the carriers have different location for their main server. For example if my wifi shows that I'm connected from a IP based in Lahore, the carrier will shows that my IP is in Islamabad or some other city while I'm in Lahore still. Only the carrier server is in Islamabad or in some other cities. Also I am a student and doing my Masters from a university, sometimes I have to connect to my university's wifi to use the internet that also might have caused this issue. Please let me know the appropriate steps to clear this matter so I can continue offering my services on the platform. I appreciate your time and assistance in helping me restore access to my account. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to resolving the response. Regards, Rabail Bibi
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