Guys, once again, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience, but I never lied on my profile—not about my certificate or education. I am new to Fiverr, and I didn’t know what to add for my education. As I am currently pursuing my bachelor's, I chose "Bachelor's" as the option. Fiverr gave me the year 2027 to choose in the dropdown list, so I picked it because that is the year I am expected to graduate.
@filipdevaere, I understand that you feel it’s dishonest to misrepresent information on a profile, but I didn’t lie; I just didn’t know I wasn't supposed to add those details until I graduated. You corrected me on that, and I thanked you for it. I updated my education details to show my high school degree, and I graduated high school in 2023. Why do you think I’m lying? I’m a beginner, and I didn’t know. Instead of just correcting me, why are you accusing me of making false statements? Please cut me some slack.
Also, I am not planning to quit my bachelor's studies, in case you were assuming that. Regarding my English proficiency, I completed an English course from Udemy and several other courses as well. Earning certificates is the reason I started freelancing, as they help me prove my expertise in the services I offer. Please don’t fault me for that. I know you were trying to help, but you were too harsh for no reason. You can now see my English has improved, as I learn from my mistakes.
@agonza1101, thank you so much for pointing it out. This is the kind of feedback I was hoping for when I asked for help. I will make the changes as quickly as possible.
Any further suggestions from your side would be helpful. Thank you! ♥️