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  1. Hahaha this is ridiculous I am sorry. The only way to contact support is through an account you realize that? So if my other one is banned, and y’all don’t have a phone number. How do you expect me to get in contact with them without HAVING to create another account. This is honestly pathetic service. Breaking CGU = ban is totally normal. But making it a nightmare for people to withdraw their hard earned funds isnt. You have to be better.
  2. @Lena @ana_tomy Hello, I am in the same situation. Account has been disabled (for breaking CGU so not arguing that), but the money still sitting there was obtained while NOT breaking CGU. I received the email to retrieve the funds after 90 days, however, the system is a bit stupid. It asks you to access the account to withdraw, but the account is still disabled. Could you enable it temporarily, just the time to withdraw the funds and then disable it again?
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