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  1. the post has also been shared on social media and has been sent to higher tier management than you at Fiverr and will be going on Trustpilot, Reddit, and just about every site you could name. Additionally, I am now writing a blog with this post with the sellers account included of course and tthe whole nine yards. Poeple need to be warned heavily about a seller and sellers that are ripping people off. Looks like a lot of people have already taken to YouTube and made videos of this very issue and warning people to stay away from Fiverr. You wont be able to edit or block out any of those post will you.l I will also be writing a lengthy blog that will be posted on several major blog sites of this very seller and issue. Plus touting 83 thousand reviews and all of them are 5 stars lol. So fake. This is just the very first few steps in helping a lot of people not get ripped off by sellers on Fiverr. we are glad to be part of the anti-fiverr revolution. Have a great day ana
  2. A reality warning to businesses trying to buy SEO services on FIVERR. Beware It's unfortunate but the real truth is almost every backlink seller on Fiverr is going to take hundreds of dollars from you and never deliver a real product that will benefit your business in any way. Even if they are supposidly Top Rated like @ Just garbage low black hat links that will do you no good. Here is the worst part of all. They will have a very amazing click bait add like the one attached here by @ however if you seem to know anything about backlinks, SEO, or how it works they will tell you they can't work with you cause they dont do ecommerce or " we don't do monthly SEO" or " SEO is not E-commerce" what ??? Look at the advertisement by @ . It says in giant letters MONTHLY SEO, yet he emails us and says he doesn't do monthly LOL. This seller should never have a top rated seller or even be allowed to operate on any platform. How sad is this? and so misleading. They will take payments from anyone who just clicks and pays $800 for junk backlinks to a social media page that was probably created by them years ago and never used. A page that has been idol forever and ranks at DA 1 and is garbage. Do yourself a big favor. Don't fall for any of this nonsense. Simply post a blog anywhere on the internet yourself, Even somthing simple once a week on your own website or social media site and that will bring you a thousand times more traffic than anyone on Fiverr will ever get you no matter how much you pay them.
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