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About gbrl_c

  • Birthday December 26

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  1. Hey Chris, you said it all in the best possible way. I'll follow your advice because I noticed I'm already having to repeat myself pointlessly. Only reason I'm doing it is because I have a week off my main job, and as a relatively new seller I don't have much gigs going on right now. Still, it is a waste of time arguing about the same things over and over. I've achieved what I wanted from this thread and now I'm walking away from forums for a while to focus on improving. Thank you so much for your kind and smart words, and for all the well placed advices as well. Take care!
  2. See, as I told Cat, I get it if they want to reduce the number of Level 2 sellers for the reason you mentioned. But in this process, they're hurting new sellers as well. And we already know it was hard to climb as a new seller prior to these changes. I don't care about what level I am, I just want the system to be correct about the quality of the orders I'm delivering, and reflect it on my profile, because this is the only way a new seller have any chance to grow. Oh so you had to pay to understand the data from your own work? Jesus...
  3. If they don't listen, at least I did my part of sharing what's wrong. And this is not about me being happy or unhappy about a change, I'm pointing a flaw in their AI.
  4. Ok, so it's their job to find ways for sellers not to manipulate it. The wrong move is to hide almost completely what they're doing and provide us with a terrible AI system. Not all buyers enter the forum, but those that do enter, and end up in a thread like this, will rethink placing their order I'm sure of it. Especially when they see veterans dropping their weapons. And yes, this is what I'm doing here, sharing my problems and their problems, because a flaw like this is not only my concern, but Fiverr's and other sellers as well. I'm trying to make a noise for them to at least read it. What they'll do after that is not in my hands, I know that, but keeping my mouth shut will increase the chances of them doing nothing by 100% on my end. I'm doing my part, that's all.
  5. Success Score and transparency are two things that don't mix, just like water and oil. It's clear they're hiding things - probably on purpose. There are many sellers contacting them trying to understand what this metric is exactly about.
  6. They clearly don't know what they're doing with Success Score metric, and I'm 100% sure of that, that's why I started this thread. They need to know at least one user is seeing right through their mess.
  7. Well I'll have to say it again: I had all the data for my tests.
  8. That makes sense. It might be the reason they're not sharing it with us. About that mindset though, I disagree completely. It's not a good impression to new buyers and sellers if they come to check the forums and find many veterans with a "looser" mindset (no offense here), as if they lost way too many battles and lost hope of changing and exposing what's wrong with the platform.
  9. Yes, companies tend not to listen to their employees, but are you satisfied with it? Well I ain't. And why not remove something that isn't working? This is a forum meant to get ideas and feedback flowing, have you heard about Spiral of Silence Theory? Because it seems like you're not only falling into it, but want others to fall into it too. And as I mentioned to @smashradio, I feel satisfied in doing my part even if they don't listen. And I think every employee should do it, despite being a freelancer platform or not. Companies have the power, and they will have even more monopoly of this power if we keep our mouths shut just because we think nothing will happen if we speak up. Regarding data, I really can't give you a direct answer, I'll have to just say I'm 100% sure of what I did and what I tested. It's 100% and not 99%. But again, as I said before, my intention is not to convince you. I wouldn't believe in someone claiming something without proofs as well, I get it. I just want to reach Fiverr. I get that there are more threads out there similar to mine, but mainly focused on a bad sentiment of their SS being lowered, or questioning exact SS metrics. I dislike my SS being lowered too (I'll be dropping from 5 to 4 in a few days, just a few days after I hit 5), of course, but this is not the base of this thread. Base is the SS AI is flawed. I wouldn't create a thread if I was mad or if I had an opinion that a system is unfair. Not saying it's wrong, but I wouldn't do it personally if I didn't know for sure what I was talking about. If that was the case I'd just research more, or create a thread asking for more transparent metrics and not just vague words they like to use to describe the Success Score system.
  10. It's a good thing to Fiverr and to us if AI is attracting more investors. Again, I'm not against AI, but SS AI to be specific is not working properly. And if Fiverr isn't known for changing course, well, they should rethink their strategy. The best companies out there rethink and reevaluate constantly. Seems like many of you aknowledge Fiverr's mistakes, but somehow you just accept it like there's nothing to be done. Has it happened too many times in the past, or? I'm genuinely asking because I'm new here. Anyway, no offense, but I don't like that mindset. Like you said, me and you alone, we are just one, but if enough of us come forward we will at least have their attention. What they'll do with that information is their responsibility, it's not ours anymore. I'm satisfied because I feel I'm doing my part, even if they decide to ignore it. My five reviews are all from different buyers, that's why I'm level 1 (for now), don't know where you got that info. And yes this is all my data, but I have the entirety of these datas. For the test I was talking about, the less variables, the better. There's no "me-factor" and it's not about being a talented seller at all, it's a simple test. What I meant by unfair is that it's flawed, basically. I didn't mean I feel it's unfair and I disagree with it but it's working perfectly. I will say it one last time, I'm not trying to convince you, I also have a hard time trusting people I don't know. I just want to point out someone knows for sure their metric is flawed, this is my only purpose here. The flaw is causing Success Score to be dragged down, at least for me as a new seller. And if it's happening to me, there's a high chance it's happening to other new sellers too. Sorry for being vague, but I really can't say too much.
  11. Yes, and this is one more reason for Success Score to go, or at least get revamped. It will be sad if they don't listen to us, but at least we are doing our part.
  12. I'm aware of it. I know I can't convince users without telling my methods, and I'm ok with that. I aimed this thread to Fiverr. They need to know at least one user is seeing right through what they're doing. If I decide to leave, I'll let you know what I've done. And it isn't anything complex, it's a simple thing.
  13. My test isn't related to complex data science approach, it's a simple one and anybody could do it. Let's do it like this, I need some weeks to decide if I will keep trying to grow on Fiverr or not. If things don't get better and I decide not to continue here, I'll tell you in details what I did. Is it fair? For your second question. It's not about what we feel it's fair, there's a flaw in their AI readings that tends to drag sellers Success Score down. Only thing I'm trying to figure out, and this I'll probably never be able to know 100%, is if they are doing it on purpose for some shady reason or not. Because it's not hard to put it to test.
  14. I'm not the one investing money, but I'm investing my time in this platform. You say they listen, but won't do nothing, so what good does it do? It's basically the same as not listening. If they don't care about the career of their sellers, about being fair with them, providing solid metrics, it tells me a lot about this company. We, sellers, are the working force for them to earn money, and I think it's a huge mistake for them to ignore a major issue like this. What bothers me is that they are pushing a metric that's based on flawed AI readings. Their AI isn't close to being fair. I'm talking from a perspective of a new seller with 5 orders, so I have much more control of my own data than veteran ones. And I can't tell you exactly what I did, but trust me when I say it's flawed. I wouldn't create a thread if I had doubts, I'm not that kind of person. If I had 1% of doubt I'd just shut my mouth and observe. I understand you because If I were a Level 2 I would bother way less with some details, even though I would still criticize this "new" metric a little. I'm someone that's working hard and still can't even maintain a Level 1 to be able to promote gigs and try to earn a little side income. My main source of income isn't Fiverr and I agree with you about diversification and I do it myself. Still, it's not fair to be punished by the time I invested in a side source of income just because of a bad designed AI system.
  15. It's also very simple for them to test their own new metrics, and it won't take long to see that's not working. I don't know exactly what it is, but there's probably a reason why they don't bother changing it, and sadly that lack of transparency is what is making me reconsider staying here in this platform.
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