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Everything posted by momaidi

  1. Your words don't make sense, you know better using two accounts are not allowed, you should be honest in sharing your details if you need any suggestion from community! The only advice you can get is to have quality deliveries and try to have client satisfaction, we have private feedback to Fiverr from buyer side, if you have all positive reviews, it doesn't mean there is no issue, if Fiverr receive negative private review that will surely affect your account.
  2. Hey Alexis, I had the same experience with a buyer where everything was good but due to nationality he rated me with 2-star and a very negative feedback on my profile which really affected my account, I wish we had that option but there is possibility and we should just let it be. There is nothing that we can do and I believe CS team will also not help you in this regard as in very special circumstances they will accept your request for review modification but in this scenario which you have mentioned there is 0% chance of modifying your account unfortunately! 😞 Let's hope if we get this option in future!
  3. Sorry to hear that! I suggest you contact CS team and write them all details about your project. If you cancel it through resolution center, it will badly affect your account so, try if you can avoid cancellation by convincing your buyer or if you couldn't contact CS team, they will cancel it without affecting your account but still I heard it is affecting even if CS team cancel it.
  4. In less than a year since joining Fiverr in August 2022, I've accomplished a significant milestone as a freelancer. Despite seeing others struggle with finding projects, I managed to complete 56 orders and earn over $2000 within these nine months. This success has allowed me to reach Level One status, and I'm on track to achieve Level Two soon.
  5. Definitely yes! When you have good success score it means you are having quality deliveries and outstanding performance on the platform, and it will affect your visibility and I think it is a good metric as low-quality services should not be on the top of the page. When your success score drops it means you are having some negative points in your account like: Order cancellation, communication or ... From my personal experience in one day due to low rating my gig went to 7th page last row from the first row of the first page and my success score dropped to 5. In the last 2 weeks I was able to recover my account from that point and my success score is increasing and the same the visibility of my gig is coming up in the page.
  6. Yes, you are right!
  7. Despite diligent efforts, many sellers, including myself, have noted inconsistencies and unfair deductions in our success scores, seemingly influenced by AI-driven assessments. It appears that efforts to improve performance do not consistently translate into score enhancements, while any encountered issues result in immediate score reductions.
  8. It's pretty normal on Fiverr to see ups and downs in how many people notice and click on your stuff. The trick is to really knock it out of the park when you do get orders, so those customers come back. It's tough to find new customers every single time. Fiverr won't magically fix this. It's more about how we all make the most of the chances we get. So, whenever you get a shot, make it count!
  9. Dear Maham, After reviewing your profile and offerings on the platform, I noticed that your gig descriptions may benefit from some refinement to better capture the attention of potential buyers. Specifically, I observed that your descriptions tend to be rather general, such as your mention of designing websites with HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. While these are undoubtedly essential skills, I believe that merely listing them may not adequately differentiate your services in the eyes of discerning buyers. Allow me to draw upon my own experience as a developer who also provides translation services on the platform. In a marketplace saturated with numerous gigs offering similar services, it becomes imperative to present oneself in a manner that distinguishes from the crowd. For instance, rather than offering generic services in HTML, consider highlighting your unique approach or specific strategies for creating websites that stand out. In essence, the key lies in crafting professional gigs with clear, concise descriptions that underscore your unique value proposition. By incorporating distinct terminology and detailing your methodology for delivering exceptional results, you can significantly enhance your appeal to prospective clients.
  10. As a Level One seller, I've consistently delivered top-notch service, evident in the glowing feedback and five-star ratings I've received from over 20 satisfied clients in the past 20 days alone. Despite this, a recent encounter has left me disheartened. I completed an order for a single-page translation with utmost precision, ensuring accuracy at every step. However, upon delivery acceptance, the buyer expressed disappointment, citing a preference for an Iranian translator. Despite my reassurances of the translation's accuracy and request for feedback on any perceived errors, the buyer remained unresponsive. To my dismay, I was subsequently rated with one star and received negative feedback, unjustly criticizing my skills as a writer and translator. This unwarranted rating has had a detrimental impact on my account, evident in the sudden absence of client inquiries. This experience raises concerns about the presence of prejudice in our community. It is disheartening to be penalized solely based on nationality rather than the quality of work delivered. I seek your guidance on navigating this setback and mitigating its adverse effects on my account. Will be happy to have your advice here!
  11. Your question isn't clear enough! If you need an account which you want to use for withdrawal purpose that should be confidential and not shared here as everyone has their own type of cards and bank accounts used. If someone asked you for bank account, please be careful, you may break TOS. If you need information about how to attach a bank card with your account in case you are buyer, it is so simple, just add payment method and there you will have options based on your country and you can easily attach any card with your account.
  12. I tried to clear cache and redownloaded but seems there is a little change in mobile application of Fiverr, I wish it had impact on gigs too as success score is highly impacted by order cancellation even done by CS.
  13. Is there any recent changes about cancelled orders by CS team? I had 3 cancelled orders and they are disappeared today from my phone dashboard but still visible under orders category.
  14. You should not expect increase in impressions or clicks after finishing a single project. Fiverr has its own algorithm which helps everyone not only me and you to have orders from buyers. Have patience and soon you will have positive impact on your impressions and orders.
  15. Below are some suggestions for you: 1. Use most popular keywords used by buyers. 2. Use good images with clear writing on it. 3. Have a short a meaningful description. Lastly, I would mention that impressions are nothing without orders, I have 5k impressions but still I receive rare messages from buyers, if you are receiving orders so, don't think about impressions, it will raise soon.
  16. I suggest you use a simple design and clear writing on your gig image, it will help seller understand your service easily. About score, that looks somehow impossible to be honest, scoring 10 out of 10 is really difficult to get.
  17. Hello, I can share you my own experience regarding using non-English language, recently a client messaged me for a Gig from Germany, he couldn't speak English and I couldn't speak German language, he started speaking our local language which is Dari, just 2 days ago my Gig which was on second place in first page of the search after a Fiverr choice seller went to 6th page with 4 success score from 7. I see negative impact of communication with my Gig so, I recommend everyone to speak English as it really affects. Thanks
  18. Dear all, I am Level 1 seller with 44 orders completed and all 5 stars. My success score is 6 since the new update, I am eligible to reach Level 2 but only success score is 7 required. I have good communication with clients, have no order cancellation but today I see my Gig success score is 4. What is the reason of this? I was thinking it may increase as there is nothing negative, I see communication and conflict free orders as negative impact under Gig. I really lost my way, what should I do? Totally lost, I read all tips, all details about success score but nothing is working, for me it never increases.
  19. Hello everyone, Since 2 hours, I have lost push notifcations in my iPhone for Fiverr, I see no notification option available in Notification setting available for Fiverr, I see all other APPs installed in device but lost Fiverr, I have tried to re-install it but didn't solve. I went through Preferences -> Notifications -> Here I see Turn on Push notification (I got this after re-installing), before it was on but was receiving no notification. Do you experience this issue today? if not have you ever faced it in iPhone specifically? I need some ideas to overcome this issue as it is highly important. Thanks
  20. Dear Arif, I had the same issue when I was new to Fiverr. Here is the simple solution if you don't get impression. Check all your Gigs, check the keywords used there and category which should be the most used one not something Uknown to others. The most effective way to get impressions is to be online all the time, I know it sounds weird but there is no way when you are new or have done few projects. You shouldn't miss any project and for that your on-time response is a must. When you have above points in mind, I believe you will have good impressions, but still it is normal to have changes in impressions as there are different Algorisms used by Fiverr, that's why places are changing for freelancers. BR
  21. Dear Ethaneseo, It is happening sometimes; you may have to try different browsers or clear the cache. To be on the top of search, try to use most popular keywords for your service in your Gigs and be online 24h. If you don't see yourself under online category, it doesn't mean no one can see you, buyers won't have this issue. Just have patience and your time will come soon to get orders. Mohammad
  22. Hello Everyone, Will you please recommend any tips for increasing the success score of my Gigs. I have translation services and I try to have long conversation with my client each time during the project but still for all my Gigs I see 5 Success score and Room for Growth in Effective Communication. What is the solution for this? Should I chat in order chat page or the Inbox is Okay? Struggling with this issue since long, I see difference in Delivery time but no + point in Effective communication. Thanks
  23. I got 4 orders by my gig, few days ago, a buyer mistakenly placed 2 orders, then I contacted CS team to cancel these orders without impacting my order completion and success score, they cancelled and said it is okay it won't affect your counters. Today I see my success score is 3 and Conflict free orders + Order cancelation have strong impact. It doesn't make sense, I really don't know what to do, I just think I should delete the Gig.
  24. Dear all, I had 2 mistakenly placed orders by buyer and then I contacted CS team to cancel the orders without affecting my rating and they agreed and cancelled. Now I see my gig has 3 success score and order cancellation and conflict free is having negative impact. What should I do now? Anyone can help?
  25. Can someone help me on how to set customized song instead of the default sound in iPhone for Fiverr app? I never wake up with default sound, I need to customize it to a little longer sound.
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